Tuesday, December 19, 2023

wish tonight's my last

In the abyss, a soul resigned,
Hope decays, no solace to find.
On thorns, I rest, dreams lie shattered,
"wish tonight's my last," says the heart battered.

Silent screams in the void's cruel embrace,
Reason abandoned, leaving no trace.
In agony's theatre, where shadows amass,
Life's extinguished, swallowed by morass.

Monday, November 27, 2023


OSWAS project in Odisha info:

- Name and description: OSWAS stands for Odisha State Workflow Automation System. It is the state government's most prestigious IT initiative to automate the functions at all levels of the administrative hierarchy of government for smooth functioning and timely delivery of government services¹.

- Status and progress: The new version of OSWAS application with improved features has been put on soft-launch in July 2018 for making the users familiar with it. It was targeted to make the new system Go-Live in September 2018 after necessary customization. As part of the 5T initiative of Government of Odisha, OSWAS is being extended to all Directorates/ HoDs for their integration with respective Administrative Departments in order to speed up the process of decision making².

- Stakeholders and partners: The stakeholders and partners involved in the implementation of OSWAS are the government departments, agencies, OCAC, IT department, vendors, consultants, and beneficiaries¹².

- Impact and outcomes: The impact and outcomes of the implementation of OSWAS are:

    - Increase efficiency and effectiveness of the processes
    - Increase employee productivity
    - Efficient management of data
    - Better communication and co-ordination and advancement towards knowledge-led governance
    - Provision of latest IT infrastructure, connectivity, state-of-the-art data centre and security facilities
    - 24x7 secure access, digital signature, online publishing of notices and circulars, SMS and email notification and real time executive dash board
    - In-built Odia plugin for noting and drafting
    - Mobile and cloud ready with web responsive design
    - Robust disaster recovery link with OCAC, State Data Center and National Data Center
    - Principal applications like correspondence management, file management, file processing, record room, knowledge bank, internal messaging, dash board, notice board, MIS reports, audit management and advanced search engine
    - Common applications like Assembly questions, RTI, online telephone directory, vehicle management, tours management, leave management¹².

- Budget and resources: Not enough info available.

Source: dt 11/27/2023
(1) OSWAS | The Odisha Computer Application Centre. https://www.ocac.in/en/services/schemes/oswas.
(2) Odisha Secretariat Workflow Automation System (OSWAS) put on soft .... https://orissadiary.com/odisha-secretariat-workflow-automation-system-oswas-put-soft-launch-making-users-familiar/.
(3) Odisha State Wide Network (OSWAN). https://oswan.gov.in/default.asp?GL=1.
(4) Orissa State Wide Network (OSWAN). https://www.oswan.gov.in/AboutOswan.asp?GL=2.

Top priority of Higher Education Department in Odisha in terms of technology


- Improving quality and equity of selected institutions and enhancing governance of the higher education system
- Investing in infrastructure and facilities, such as libraries, labs, computers, and internet
- Implementing e-governance initiatives, such as online modules for UC submission, laptop distribution, pensioners' portal, etc.
- Promoting online and blended learning, and providing access to digital resources and platforms

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023
(1) Odisha Higher Education Program for Excellence and Equity. https://projects.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/project-detail/P160331.
(2) How Odisha's university paves the way for higher education expansion. https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/news/story/how-odishas-university-paves-the-way-for-higher-education-expansion-2457148-2023-11-02.
(3) Home | Higher Education Department. https://dhe.odisha.gov.in/.
(4) Department of Higher Education (Odisha) - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Higher_Education_%28Odisha%29.

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan

RUSA stands for Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan, which is a central government scheme to improve the access, equity, and quality of higher education in India. It aims to support the state governments in planning and developing their higher education systems through grants and reforms. Odisha joined RUSA in 2013 and has received funds for infrastructure and facilities, e-governance initiatives, online and blended learning, and quality enhancement¹²³.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023
(1) Odisha – RUSA. http://rusa.nic.in/odisha/.
(2) About RUSA | Higher Education Department - Odisha. https://dhe.odisha.gov.in/Schemes-and-Scholarship/RUSA/About-RUSA.
(3) Overview – RUSA. https://rusa.nic.in/odisha/overview/.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Generative AI and LLM - A primer

1. Background and Evolution of Large Language Model (LLM)

LLM is a Generative model that can input large set of unstructured data and generate large volume of textual output.

1.1 A timeline of LLM evolution :-

The development of LLM is not new, It went through a gradual evolution since 2002-3: 

  • 2003 -           Bag of words : ML to do natural Language Processing NLP
  • 2008 -           TF-IDF : Multi-task Learning
  • 2013 -           Co-occurrence Matrix : Word embeddings
  • 2013 -           Word to Vec/G Love:  NLP Neural Nets
  • 2014 -           Seq to Seq Learning
  • 2015 -           Transformer Models , Attention 
And then comes the explosion of development on LLM:
  • 2019 -           ELMOs/BERT/XLNet : Pre-trained Models
  • Nov 2022 -   OpenAIs GPT3.5
  • Dec 2022 -   Google's MedPaLM
  • Feb 2023 -   Amazon's Multimodal-CoT
  • Feb 2023 -   Meta's LLaMA
  • Feb 2023 -   Microsoft's Kosmos-1
  • Mar2023 -   Salesforce's einstien GPT
  • Mar 2023 -  OpenAI's GPT-4
  • Mar 2023 -  Google's Bard
  • Mar 2023-   Bloomberg's LLM
  • Apr 2023 -   Amazon's Bedrock
1.2 Genesis of Transformer Model  : (Ref Research Paper : Google's Attention is all you need, 2017)
[Vaswani, Ashish, et al. "Attention is all you need." Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017)]

Earlier to 2016, Deep learning models were using Recurring Neural Network (RNN), or Neural Network deep-learning based. These were not easy to scale, architecture was linear, sequential, computing one output to pass into next input. Google got in transformer blocks, where it essentially modelled non sequentially. example a sentence to be processed word by word, transformer uses Attention to build a relationship to other words in the input sequence as a block. This makes thinking paralelly, scale much faster, revolution in architecture. Volumes of inputs increased manifold from GPT1, 2 and now 3 and 4 where corpus of data to train models kept increasing with billions of data sets. Transformers brought in the key revolution to LLM, in that whie it still implements encoder-decoder architecture, it does not rely on the use of recurrent neural networks..

The transformer architecture dispenses of any recurrence and instead relies solely on a self-attention (or intra-attention) mechanism. 

In terms of computational complexity, self-attention layers are faster than recurrent layers when the sequence length n is smaller than the representation dimensionality d …

– Advanced Deep Learning with Python, 2019.

Transformers can capture global/long range dependencies between input and output, support parallel processing, require minimal inductive biases (prior knowledge), demonstrate scalability to large sequences and datasets, and allow domain-agnostic processing of multiple modalities (text, images, speech) using similar processing blocks.

1.3 Three basic sort of LLMs (as per "Attention is all you need" paper*):-

The encoder-decoder architecture has been extensively applied to sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) tasks for language processing. Examples of such tasks within the domain of language processing include machine translation and image captioning.  

The earliest use of attention was as part of RNN based encoder-decoder framework to encode long input sentences [Bahdanau et al. 2015]. Consequently, attention has been most widely used with this architecture.

– An Attentive Survey of Attention Models, 2021.

> Encoder-Only
> Decoder-only
> Encoder-Decoder.

Let's see what these are :

        1.3.1 Encoder Only:  Ex : GPT/OpenAI (content in same language)
       Compacts/encodes one set of input into something like sentiment analysis

                            - Popularized via successful architectures like BERT*
                            - Very good for predictive use on unstructured data

Encoder-only models are still very useful for training predictive models based on text embeddings versus generating texts.
*[Over the years, various encoder-only architectures have been developed based on the encoder module of the original transformer model outlined above. Notable examples include BERT (Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding, 2018) and RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach, 2018). 
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is an encoder-only architecture based on the Transformer's encoder module. The BERT model is pretrained on a large text corpus using masked language modeling and next-sentence prediction tasks.]

        1.3.2 Decoder Only -  Ex: BERT Architecture : Lot of text data and need one particular                 Output like sentiment or topic of a discussion 
                             - Popularised via original GPT models
                             - Driving the Gen AI market buzz

Decoder-only models are used for generative tasks including Q&A. 
The GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series are decoder-only models pretrained on large-scale unsupervised text data and finetuned for specific tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis, question-answering, and summarization. The GPT models, including GPT-2, (GPT-3 Language Models are Few-Shot Learners, 2020), and the more recent GPT-4, have shown remarkable performance in various benchmarks and are currently the most popular architecture for natural language processing.

        1.3.3 Encoder-Decoder : Compacts input into an output. Ex : French to English translation 
                            - The original paper creator transformer architecture
                            - Translation tasks, cross attention

Encoder-decoder models are typically used for natural language processing tasks that involve understanding input sequences and generating output sequences, often with different lengths and structures. They are particularly good at tasks where there is a complex mapping between the input and output sequences and where it is crucial to capture the relationships between the elements in both sequences. Some common use cases for encoder-decoder models include text translation and summarization.

Some notable examples of these new encoder-decoder models include


1.5 LLMs are based on the three types of building blocks 

        1.5.1 Attention:  

In the context of LLM, attention is defined as a mechanism that allows the model to selectively focus on different parts of the input text. This mechanism helps the model attend to the input text’s most relevant parts and generate more accurate predictions

The use of attention in LLMs is to improve the model’s ability to understand the context of the input text and generate more coherent and relevant output. Attention mechanisms in LLMs, particularly the self-attention mechanism used in transformers, allow the model to weigh the importance of different words or phrases in a given context.

There are two types of attention mechanisms in LLMs: self-attention and cross-attention

    Self-attention is used to weigh the importance of different words or phrases within the same input text, 

    Cross-attention is used to weigh the importance of different words or phrases between two different input texts.

The measurement of attention in LLMs is done by calculating the attention weights assigned to each word or phrase in the input text. These weights are calculated using a softmax function, which normalizes the weights and ensures that they sum up to 1

Here are a couple of examples of how attention is used in LLMs:

  1. In machine translation, attention is used to align the source and target sentences and generate more accurate translations 
  2. In question answering, attention is used to identify the most relevant parts of the input text that can help answer the question 

        1.5.2 Parallelism and Scalability: 

LLM stands for Large Language Model. It is a machine learning model that is trained on large amounts of data to generate text. LLMs are used in various natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question answering .

Parallelism is used to train the model faster by distributing the workload across multiple processors or GPUs. There are two types of parallelism: data parallelism and model parallelism.

  • Data parallelism involves splitting the data into smaller batches and processing them in parallel across multiple processors or GPUs. This technique is useful when the model is too large to fit into a single GPU memory.

  • Model parallelism involves splitting the model into smaller parts and processing them in parallel across multiple processors or GPUs. This technique is useful when the model is too large to fit into a single processor or GPU memory.

Scalability is used to train the model on larger datasets or with more complex architectures. Scalability can be measured in terms of speedup and efficiency.

  • Speedup is the ratio of the time taken to complete a task on a single processor or GPU to the time taken to complete the same task on multiple processors or GPUs. A higher speedup indicates better scalability.

  • Efficiency is the ratio of the speedup to the number of processors or GPUs used. A higher efficiency indicates better scalability.

Here are a couple of examples of LLMs:

  1. GPT-3: It is a state-of-the-art LLM developed by OpenAI that has 175 billion parameters. It is used for various natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question answering 1.

  2. BERT: It is another popular LLM developed by Google that has 340 million parameters. It is used for various natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and question answering 1.

         1.5.3 Sequence Modeling:  

2. GenAI - Popular ones being used in 2023-24 

You can play around the GenAI Use cases in one place with example, you can try  playground.katonic.ai

In tale above, what we are saying is LLaMA is a good open source model for text output. codellama-7b-instruct has 7billion constructs that can be used for writing code. 

Prompts are inputs that can be asked to LLM for desired output. You have to use inherent prompt inputs for best output. This is an engineering discipline called Prompt Engineering.

3. What does Generative AI do?

Traditional AI used to take time in development, iterations, deployment, consumption, data training etc.
Gen AI can be quickly standing in a matter of weeks. 

Gen AI can basically do one of the following functions and some examples:-

3.1. Summarization      : Regulatory Guidelines/ Risk reports/ UW/Claims/policy/ Corporate Functions
3.2. Reference & Co-Pilot : Extract key information like Information extraction/ Risk Analysis/ Sentiment mining/ Fraud/ Event detection/ Web mining/ CX/CJ Insights
3.3. Expansion: Automated mails/ descriptions/ qualitative reports/ Synthetic data/ Advisory-B2B/ B2C
3.4. Transformation       : Change Language structure Ex Translation/ Code writing/ Data format change/ Tone change/ AI driven BI

4. Ways to use LLM APIs
  • Integrate to other apps
  • Virtual Assistants
  • Developer Co-Pilot
  • Custom Applications
5.  Example Use case from Insurance:-
  • Content Generation: Lead generation/ Onboarding/ Customer Management/ Delinquency & Foreclosures
  • Workflow management: 
  • Client Experience and Interaction
  • Security Compliance
  • Workflow Optimization
6. There are 2 broad patterns in which use cases fall:-

6.1. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)- Retrieve and answer in context (in-context learning)
Agent based architecture/ Fine tuning for optimization/  

Question/Task > LLM > (Indexing) Indexed Query > Vector Store >  Give Context > Contextual Prompt Creation > LLM> Output > Output parsing> Answer 

LLM is fixed/OOB domain agnostic GPT3/4. You can give context to ask the question.
Context can be given in zero shot learning/ few shot learning (like examples of desired output).
No data leakage problem. 

If you pass data directly (fine-tuning -> given this context, I need examples of right answer, then model aligns) into LLM, it can give direct answers. but it has a security challenge. Fine tuning increases accuracy and alignment. But data can become stale, as it's not always live. It is recommended to go with RAG which is outside the LLM model, instead of fine tuning the model through your own data.

So in the Underwriting example:-
    a) Agent-Assistance : smart bot to enable agent answer diff customer/ prospect questions, Tap into existing contractual docs, guidelines, benefits, calculations, research & insights ex Knowledge management, chatbot,...
    b) Underwriting/Risk Co-pilots for Mortgage : The co-pilot helps underwriter go through several steps to assess risk, summarize the qualifying income through reviewing and identifying various sources of income, do some appraisals, contextualize credit and assets. LLM can curate much better than analytic AI. Automatically analyze live data, write output, and generally help the underwriter 

6.2. Multi-Hop/ Multi-stage Problem Solving :  
    Insight Agents: conversational business intelligence, data quality assurance, analytics and insights co-pilot, decision support agent.

Multi-Hop problem solving is different from RAG. Some large LLMs have logic and reasoning built. You can build agents to build say conversational BI instead of conversational Bot, which is fully textual. Multi-hop can build insights, cross match data, chain of thoughts etc. Reason and Act - REACT is a sequence of steps to accomplish a task before output can be given. More complex reasoning can also be tried. You can need graphical analysis example concentration of claims that can point to one garage , or relationship between claims... Knowledge graphs between data sets can throw up unique intelligence based on simple textual question prompts. Can help in decision support systems. 

7. Some concepts to know here:-
- May require fine tuning or reform of the RAG : To change the model as per your data. Here, the use your own data sets to train the model. Private Trainership is available from GPT4. 

        -  SFT and RLHF

In the context of LLMs, SFT stands for Supervised Fine-Tuning. It is a technique used to fine-tune a pre-trained LLM on a specific task by providing it with labeled examples.

RLHF stands for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback. It is a method used to train LLMs to align their output with human intentions and values. RLHF involves teaching an LLM to understand human preferences by assigning scores to different responses from the base model. The goal is to use the preference model to alter the behavior of the base model in response to a prompt.

Here are some examples of how RLHF is used in LLMs:

  1. ChatGPT: It is a state-of-the-art LLM developed by AssemblyAI that uses RLHF to learn human preferences and provide a more controlled user experience.

  2. NVIDIA SteerLM: It is a technique developed by NVIDIA that uses RLHF to customize LLMs during inference.

- Foundational Model shift            

- If trainings are not proper, LLM can hallucinate, missing context.

For completeness of text, let me mention that these are the main Attention-based Architectures:-
8.1. Encoder-Decoder (RNN based)
8.2. Transformer Model (non-RNN)
8.3. Graph Neural Networks (GNN)
8.4. Memory Augmented Neural Networks

A graph is a versatile data structure that lends itself well to the way data is organized in many real-world scenarios. We can think of an image as a graph, where each pixel is a node, directly connected to its neighboring pixels …

– Advanced Deep Learning with Python, 2019.

Of particular interest are the Graph Attention Networks (GAT) that employ a self-attention mechanism within a graph convolutional network (GCN), where the latter updates the state vectors by performing a convolution over the nodes of the graph.

In the encoder-decoder attention-based architectures, the set of vectors that encode the input sequence can be considered external memory, to which the encoder writes and from which the decoder reads. However, a limitation arises because the encoder can only write to this memory, and the decoder can only read.

Memory-Augmented Neural Networks (MANNs) are recent algorithms that aim to address this limitation. 

The Neural Turing Machine (NTM) is one type of MANN. It consists of a neural network controller that takes an input to produce an output and performs read and write operations to memory. Examples of applications for MANNs include question-answering and chat bots, where an external memory stores a large database of sequences (or facts) that the neural network taps into. 

9. Policy and Principles around GenAI:-
    Guardrails, policy enforcements, or Governance regarding inputs to GenAI is an open subject. There could be LLM tools or technology that can enforce these policy guardrails that can ensure security,privacy etc.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Teaching, Learning, and Educational Equity: A Review

Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Teaching, Learning, and Educational Equity: A Review


This paper provides a comprehensive review of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on education, with a focus on teaching, learning, and educational equity. AI refers to computer systems that exhibit human-like intelligence and capabilities. The rapid advancement of AI, fueled by increases in computing power and availability of big data, has enabled the proliferation of AI applications in education. However, as AI becomes more deeply embedded in educational technologies, significant opportunities as well as risks emerge. 

This paper reviews recent literature on AI in education and synthesizes key insights around three major themes: 
1) AI-enabled adaptive learning systems to personalize instruction; 
2) AI teaching assistants to support instructors; and 
3) the emergence of algorithmic bias and threats to educational equity. 

While AI shows promise for enhancing learning and instruction, risks around data privacy, student surveillance, and discrimination necessitate thoughtful policies and safeguards. Realizing the benefits of AI in education requires centering human values and judgment, pursuing context-sensitive and equitable designs, and rigorous research on impacts.


The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has seen tremendous advances in recent years, with technologies like machine learning and neural networks enabling computers to exhibit human-like capabilities such as visual perception, speech recognition, and language translation [1]. As these intelligent systems become increasingly sophisticated, AI is permeating various sectors of society including business, healthcare, transportation, and education [2]. Within education, AI technologies are being incorporated into software platforms, apps, intelligent tutors, robots, and other tools to support teaching and learning [3]. Proponents argue AI can enhance educational effectiveness and efficiency, for example by providing adaptivity and personalization at scale [4]. However, critics point to risks around data privacy, student surveillance, and algorithmic bias [5]. This paper reviews recent literature on AI applications in education and synthesizes key insights around impacts on teaching, learning, and equity.  

The surge of interest in AI for education is evident in the rapid increase in both academic publications and industry activity. As Chaudhry and Kazim [6] note in their review, publications on "AI" and "education" have grown exponentially since 2015. Major technology firms like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM are actively developing AI capabilities for education [7]. Venture capital investment in AI and education startups has also risen sharply, with over $1.5 billion invested globally in just the first half of 2019 [8]. The Covid-19 pandemic further accelerated AI adoption as schools rapidly transitioned online [9]. 

Within education, AI techniques have been applied across three major domains: 
1) improving learning and personalization for students;
 2) assisting instructors and enhancing teaching; and 
3) transforming assessment and administration [10].

 This paper synthesizes findings and insights from recent literature around each of these domains. It highlights opportunities where AI shows promise in advancing educational goals as well as risks that necessitate thoughtful policies and safeguards. Realizing the benefits of AI in education requires centering human values and judgement, pursuing context-sensitive and equitable designs, and rigorous research on impacts.

AI for Personalized and Adaptive Learning

A major focus of AI in education has been developing intelligent tutoring systems and adaptive platforms to personalize learning for students [11]. The goal is to customize instruction, activities, pace, and feedback to each individual student's strengths, needs, interests, and prior knowledge. Studies of early intelligent tutors like Cognitive Tutor for mathematics indicated they can improve learning outcomes [12]. With today's advances in machine learning and educational data mining, researchers aim to expand the depth and breadth of personalization [13]. For example, AI techniques can analyze patterns in how students interact with online learning resources to model learner knowledge and behaviors [14]. Analytics-driven systems provide customized course content sequences [15], intelligent agents offer personalized guidance [16], and affect-sensitive technologies adapt to students' emotional states [17].

Proponents argue AI-enabled personalization makes learning more effective, efficient, and engaging [4]. It allows students to learn at their own pace with systems responsive to their individual progress. AI tutors can provide hints, feedback, and explanations tailored to each learner's difficulties [18]. Researchers are expanding personalization beyond academic knowledge to include motivational and metacognitive factors critical to self-regulated learning [19]. AI also facilitates access, for instance by providing accommodations for diverse learners through multi-modal interactions [20]. 

However, critics note data-driven personalization risks narrowing educational experiences in detrimental ways [21]. AI systems modeled on standardized datasets may miss out on contextual factors teachers understand. Patterns recognized by algorithms do not necessarily correspond to effective pedagogy. Students could become over-dependent on AI guidance rather than developing self-direction. AI could also enable new forms of student surveillance and monitoring by tracking detailed behavioral data [22]. More research is needed on how to design AI that adapts to learners in holistic rather than reductive ways. Centering human values around agency, trust, and ethical use of student data is critical [23].

AI Teaching Assistants for Instructors

Another major application of AI is developing virtual teaching assistants to support instructors. The goal is to automate routine administrative tasks and provide teachers with data-driven insights to enhance their practice [24]. Proposed AI assistance ranges from facial and speech recognition to track classroom interactions [25], to automated essay scoring and feedback to students [26], to AI-generated lesson plans personalized to each teacher's needs [27]. Some argue offloading repetitive tasks like grading could allow teachers to focus on higher-value practices like mentoring students [28]. AI tutors might also extend teachers' ability to individualize instruction when facing constraints of time and resources [29].

However, effective adoption of AI teaching assistants depends on thoughtful implementation guided by teachers' own priorities [30]. Rather than replacing human judgement, teachers need AI designed to complement their expertise [31]. This requires transparent and overseeable systems teachers can monitor, interpret, and override as needed [32]. Teachers must shape the goals and constraints of AI tools based on pedagogical considerations, not technical capabilities alone. Alignment to ethical priorities like student privacy and equitable treatment is essential. Teachers will also require extensive training to work effectively with AI systems and understand their limitations [33]. More research should center teacher voice in co-designing educational AI [34].

Algorithmic Bias and Threats to Equity

As algorithms play an expanding role in education, researchers and ethicists have raised concerns about risks of bias, discrimination, and threats to educational equity [35]. Although often presumed to be objective, AI systems can propagate and amplify biases present in underlying training data [36]. Algorithms trained on datasets with systemic gaps or distortions may lead to unfair outcomes. Discriminatory decisions could scale rapidly as AI gets embedded into school software infrastructures [37]. Students from marginalized communities may face new forms of algorithmic discrimination if systems learn and reproduce historical inequities [38]. 

Biased AI presents significant risks across education. In personalized learning platforms, some students could be unfairly stranded on remedial paths [39]. Algorithmic hiring tools could discount talented teacher candidates [40]. Automated proctoring software might exhibit racial and gender bias in flagging students for cheating [41]. As schools adopt AI technologies, they must rigorously evaluate for potential harms using tools like equity audits [42]. Reducing algorithmic bias requires improving data quality as well as designing systems that deliberately counteract structural inequality [43]. Centering stakeholders in participatory design can also help align AI to communities' values [44]. Ongoing oversight, transparency, and accountability are critical [45].

Future Directions and Policy Implications 

This review highlights both significant opportunities and serious risks as AI becomes further embedded into education. Optimists see potentials to improve learning, teaching, and assessment at scale. Pessimists warn of amplified inequality, loss of privacy, and diminished human relationships. The likely future trajectory depends on how key stakeholders guide AI development and adoption in education [46]. Students, families, educators, and communities must be empowered in shaping the use of AI in schools. In addition to technical skills, designers of educational AI need cross-disciplinary expertise in learning sciences, human development, and ethics [47]. Policymakers will need to evolve regulations around data privacy and algorithmic accountability in education [48]. With thoughtful, equitable implementation guided by research, AI may support more personalized, empowering, and human-centered educational experiences. But we must proactively address risks and center human judgement to prevent AI from narrowing pedagogical possibilities or harming vulnerable student populations. The promise for transformative benefits makes progress imperative, but so too does the threat of bakein and scaling inequality. there seems to be some evolution in perspectives from focusing on opportunities and efficiency to giving more attention to risks, ethics, and equitable access. The papers we referenced broadly agree on the opportunities but disagree or contradict on the risks and challenges. The need to center human judgement and oversight becomes a point of greater emphasis in more recent work. By bringing broad consensus on the difficult questions early and insisting technologies align with educational values and goals, the education community can lead the way for ethical and empowering innovation.


[1] Russell, S.J., Norvig, P., Davis, E. (2010). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.

[2] Makridakis, S. (2017). The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms. Futures, 90, 46-60.

[3] Holmes, W., Bialik, M., & Fadel, C. (2019). Artificial intelligence in education: Promises and implications for teaching and learning. Center for Curriculum Redesign.

[4] Shah, D. (2018). By the numbers: MOOCs in 2018. Class Central. 

[5] Williamson, B. (2017). Who owns educational theory? Big data, algorithms and the politics of education. E-Learning and Digital Media, 14(3), 129-144.

[6] Chaudhry, M.A, & Kazim, E. (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd): A high-level academic and industry note 2021. AI and Ethics. 

[7] Doorn, N. (2019). Algorithms, artificial intelligence and joint human-machine decision-making. In Ethics of Data Science Conference.

[8] Wan, T. (2019). Edtech unicorns show the health of venture capital. EdSurge.

[9] Educate Ventures Research. (2020). Shock to the system: COVID-19's long-term impacts on education in Europe. Cambridge University Press.

[10] Luckin, R., Holmes, W., Griffiths, M., Forcier, L.B. (2016). Intelligence unleashed: An argument for AI in education. Pearson.

[11] Nkambou, R., Bourdeau, J., Mizoguchi, R. (Eds.). (2010). Advances in intelligent tutoring systems (Vol. 308). Springer Science & Business Media.

[12] Ma, W., Adesope, O. O., Nesbit, J. C., & Liu, Q. (2014). Intelligent tutoring systems and learning outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(4), 901.

[13] Bienkowski, M., Feng, M., & Means, B. (2012). Enhancing teaching and learning through educational data mining and learning analytics: An issue brief. US Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, 1-57.

[14] Baker, R. S., & Inventado, P. S. (2014). Educational data mining and learning analytics. In Learning analytics (pp. 61-75). Springer, New York, NY.

[15] Manouselis, N., Drachsler, H., Vuorikari, R., Hummel, H., & Koper, R. (2011). Recommender systems in technology enhanced learning. In Recommender systems handbook (pp. 387-415). Springer, Boston, MA.

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In conclusion, the rapid advancement of AI is bringing transformational opportunities as well as risks to education. Thoughtful governance, equitable implementation, rigorous research, and centering human values and judgement will be critical to realizing AI's benefits while protecting students and teachers. By proactively addressing concerns around data privacy, surveillance, algorithmic bias, and other threats, the education community can lead in developing ethical, empowering, and socially beneficial AI systems. With diligence, AI may enhance learning experiences and help schools better achieve their missions. But we must insist technologies align with educational values, not vice versa. The promise is immense, but so is the necessity of progressing prudently and equitably.

Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education

# Title: Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Synthesis of Government Reports

## Abstract

This academic paper provides an in-depth analysis of key findings and recommendations on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. The paper emphasizes the importance of responsible AI implementation, centering on the augmentation of human capabilities rather than full automation. 

## Introduction

The rapid integration of AI in education has sparked a multitude of critical calls for its responsible use. This paper highlights key findings and recommendations. We also present persuasive case studies that illustrate the real-world impact of these recommendations.

## Augmentation, Not Replacement

 Users unanimously stress the need to keep humans "in the loop" when implementing AI in education. Rather than replacing educators, AI should augment their capabilities and support them. A notable case study is the use of AI-powered chatbots, such as Jill in New South Wales, Australia, which assists teachers by answering routine questions and streamlining administrative tasks, thus allowing educators to focus more on teaching and student support [Smith et al., 2021].

## Equity and Personalization

A prevailing theme in the area is the potential for AI to advance equity by providing adaptive, personalized learning experiences, especially for disadvantaged students. However, reports caution that AI models can perpetuate biases if the underlying data is flawed. Case in point, an analysis of a personalized learning platform in the United Kingdom demonstrates that without proper oversight and data cleansing, AI-driven recommendations can inadvertently reinforce stereotypes and inequalities [Brown & Green, 2020].

## Alignment with Modern Learning Principles

Educators advise aligning AI models closely with modern learning principles and educators' visions for instruction. They warn against narrow AI applications that focus solely on skill acquisition. An example from Finland showcases the development of AI-driven creativity support tools that encourage students to explore artistic expression, aligning with the national curriculum's emphasis on creative and culturally-responsive learning [Korhonen & Aaltonen, 2022].

## Educator Involvement and Trustworthiness

Key guidance across the reports includes the extensive involvement of educators in the design, evaluation, and governance of AI tools. Ensuring trustworthiness and meeting real needs are paramount. Case studies from Canada highlight co-design processes where teachers actively contribute to the development of AI-driven content recommendations, resulting in tools that align with the curriculum and teaching goals [Jones & Smith, 2021].

## Assessment and Fairness

For assessment, the reports promote AI that reduces grading burdens while keeping educators at the center of key instructional decisions. They advise leveraging psychometric methods to minimize algorithmic bias and ensure fairness. A study in the United States showcases the successful integration of AI-powered essay grading, reducing teacher workload while maintaining a human-driven approach to evaluating critical thinking and creativity in students' writing [Miller et al., 2019].

## Context-Sensitivity and Diverse Learners

In terms of research, the reports call for greater focus on context-sensitivity in AI models and studying efficacy across diverse learners and settings. R&D partnerships that include educator participation are encouraged. A research initiative in Singapore, involving teachers in the development of an AI-driven language learning application, demonstrates the importance of context-awareness and customization for different student populations [Tan & Lim, 2020].

## Guiding Education Leaders

The reports offer numerous thoughtful questions to guide education leaders in evaluating the appropriateness of AI tools. They recommend developing specific AI guardrails and guidelines tailored to education's needs, drawing on emerging government frameworks for ethical AI. An examination of policy changes in South Korea reveals how aligning AI integration with national educational goals can yield substantial benefits while safeguarding against potential pitfalls [Kim & Park, 2021].

## Conclusion

In conclusion, government reports on AI in education represent an invaluable synthesis of expert and practitioner perspectives. They offer actionable principles and recommendations that guide the responsible use of AI in education, focusing on augmentation rather than replacement, equity, alignment with modern learning principles, educator involvement, fairness, and context-sensitivity. These recommendations have a tangible impact when implemented, as demonstrated by persuasive case studies from around the world.

By following these guidelines, educators, policymakers, and technology developers can harness the potential of AI in education, moving toward more empowering, equitable applications that align with the Education 2030 Agenda and UNESCO's vision for AI in education [UNESCO, 2020].

## References

- Brown, A., & Green, L. (2020). "Personalized Learning and Unintended Consequences: The Need for Algorithmic Transparency." UK Government Report.
- Jones, M., & Smith, R. (2021). "Co-Designing AI-Enhanced Curriculum: A Canadian Case Study." Canadian Ministry of Education Report.
- Kim, S., & Park, J. (2021). "Safeguarding Ethical AI in South Korean Education." South Korean Ministry of Education Report.
- Korhonen, M., & Aaltonen, E. (2022). "AI-Driven Creativity Support in Finnish Classrooms." Finnish National Education Agency Report.
- Miller, L., et al. (2019). "Enhancing Essay Grading with AI: A U.S. Department of Education Study." U.S. Department of Education Report.
- Smith, A., et al. (2021). "AI-Powered Chatbots in New South Wales Schools: A Case Study in Teacher Support." New South Wales Department of Education Report.
- Tan, H., & Lim, Y. (2020). "Customizing AI for Diverse Learners: A Singaporean Initiative." Singapore Ministry of Education Report.
- UNESCO. (2020). "Beijing Consensus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education." Retrieved from [UNESCO's Official Website].

The AI Revolution in Political Science: Transforming Research Methodologies and Insights

Title: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Political Science Research

This academic paper explores the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the field of political science. Recent years have witnessed significant advancements in AI research, driven by increased computing power, data availability, and improvements in machine learning algorithms. This paper delves into the historical development of computational techniques in political science, highlighting their evolution from early machine learning applications to the exponential growth in the use of advanced AI techniques. The study showcases various AI applications in political science, including modeling political instability, candidate position analysis, protest prediction, political strategy understanding, and causal inference from observational data. The surge in AI-based research reflects the recognition of its value in analyzing complex political phenomena, extracting insights from extensive datasets, and challenging existing theories. As a result, AI has become an integral component of the methodological toolkit in numerous subfields of political science.

1. Introduction:
   Artificial intelligence (AI) research has witnessed significant progress in recent years, driven by technological advancements. These advancements have significantly expanded AI applications, not only in the commercial sector but also in various academic disciplines, including political science. In recent years, the field of political science has undergone a remarkable transformation due to the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI). This paper delves into the profound impact of AI on political science research, driven by advancements in computing power, data availability, and machine learning algorithms. It aims to shed light on the evolving role of AI in political science, addressing both its historical development and the exponential growth of AI applications in this field. 

2. Historical Evolution of Computational Techniques in Political Science:
   Political science has a long history of employing computational techniques, dating back to the 1950s. Early machine learning applications began to emerge in the 1990s-2000s, with a focus on tasks such as predicting Supreme Court decisions.

3. Exponential Growth in AI Applications:
   Over the last decade, the field of political science has experienced exponential growth in the application of advanced AI techniques. These techniques, including natural language processing and neural networks, have opened up new possibilities for research in the political science domain.

4. Diverse Applications of AI in Political Science:
   AI has found application in various aspects of political science research. Notable examples include modeling political instability, analyzing candidate positions, predicting protests, understanding political strategies, and conducting causal inference from observational data.

5. The Significance of AI in Political Science Research:
   The surge in AI-based research within political science signifies the recognition of its value in comprehending complex political phenomena, extracting valuable insights from large datasets, and challenging established theories.

6. AI's Integration into Political Science Methodology:
   AI has seamlessly integrated into the methodological toolkit of many subfields within political science, becoming a core component in the pursuit of new knowledge and understanding.

7. Conclusion:
   In conclusion, the increasing role of artificial intelligence in political science research is emblematic of its potential to revolutionize the field. This paper demonstrates how AI's development, along with the increased availability of data and computational power, has propelled political science into a new era of discovery and analysis. The applications of AI techniques in this domain continue to evolve, offering fresh perspectives and insights into the complex world of politics.