Monday, July 16, 2012

Sex Slavery || Excerpt from the Book "Muslim Slave System in Medieval India" by K.S.Lal

Excerpt From the Book : 

Muslim Slave System 

in Medieval India

K.S. Lal
Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi Chapter XII

In the preceding pages it has been seen how women and children were special targets for enslavement throughout the medieval period, that is, during Muslim invasions and Muslim rule. Captive children of both sexes grew up as Muslims and served the sultans, nobles and men of means in various captives. Enslavement of young women was also due to many reasons; their being sex objects was the primary consideration and hence concentration on their captivity.

Psychology regarding Sex

Islam originated in the Arabian peninsula which is by and large stony and sandy. There is no luxuriant herbage, there are no lofty trees or winding rivers. Muhammad used to say that “three things gladden the eye of the gazer: green fields, running water, and fair faces.”1 Since green fields and running water were denied to the medieval Arab, he concentrated on deriving comfort and society mainly in fair faces. This phenomenon became prominent in the course of Islamic history throughout the world.
In the campaigns launched by Muslims, it was easy to capture women, more so after their menfolk had been massacred. The Prophet's one great aim was propagation of his religion and as Margoliouth observes, “Abu Bakr (the chief campaigner for Muhammad’s creed) probably was aware that women are more amenable to conversion than men… slaves than freemen, persons in distress than persons in prosperity and affluence.”2 Women slaves turned concubines could increase Muslim population by leaps and bounds when captured in large numbers.3 Hence there was particular keenness on enslaving women from the very beginning of Islam.
This was also encouraged by the injunctions of the Quran. Muslims are allowed four wives besides they are allowed to cohabit with any of their female slaves.  Surah iv:3 says, “Then marry what seem to be good to you of women”; Surah iv:29, “Take what your right hand possesses of young women”, and Surah xxxiii:49, “Verily we make lawful for thee what thy right hand possesses out of the booty God hath granted thee.” Muslims are allowed to take possession of married women if they are slaves. Surah iv:28 declares, “Unlawful for you are… married women, save such as your right hand possesses”, that is, female slaves captured in war. Manucci’s observation on the seventeenth century India is significant in this regard. He says that “all Muhammadans are fond of women, who are their principal relaxation and almost their only pleasure”4
From the teachings of the Quran quoted above, it will be seen that while Muhammad restricted the number of lawful wives, he did not restrict the number of slave girls and concubines.5 All female slaves taken as plunder in war are the lawful property of their master, and the master has power to take to himself any female slave married or single. T.P. Hughes adds that “there is absolutely no limit to the number of slave girls with whom a Muhammadan may cohabit, and it is the consecration of this illimitable indulgence which so popularizes the Muhammadan religion amongst uncivilized nations, and so popularizes slavery in the Muslim religion”.6
Then there was the life and thought of the Prophet himself. Muslims try to imitate, as far as possible, the life-style of Muhammad. He is the model, the paradigm of every pious Muslim.7 There is nothing unusual in this phenomenon. The followers of Mahavira, Buddha, Christ or Guru Govind Singh live, as far as in them lies, the life that their Masters lived. Their teaching was mostly oral but their words were lovingly collected by devoted men as guides to their own personal conduct. So did the followers of Muhammad collect the hadises and tried to imitate his way of life. Company of women had a very important place in Muhammad’s life. William Muir writes that “Aisha used to say: ‘the Prophet loved three things-women, scents, and food; he had his heart’s desire of the two first, but not of the last”.8 This is put by Margoliouth as “the three things about which he cared were scent, women, and prayer…”9 According to these aphorisms and sayings attributed to the Prophet, the place of women was prominent in his mind, a preoccupancy in his psyche.10 It is well-known that his matrimonial affairs gave him the means of establishing a princely harem.
Besides the urge of following in his ways, Muhammad's idea of Paradise inspired the Muslims even more in craving for the company of women. The Paradise in the Quran provided “Rest and passive enjoyment; verdant gardens watered by murmuring rivulets, wherein the believers… repose (quaffing) aromatic wine such as the Arabs loved from goblets placed before them or handed round in silver cups replendent as glass by beautiful youths… ‘Verily! for the Pious is a blissful abode; Gardens and Vineyards, and damsels with swelling bosoms, of an equal age, and a full cup…’ These damsels of Paradise are introduced as ‘lovely large-eyed girls resembling Pearls bidden in their shells, a reward for that which the faithful have wrought… ‘Verily! we have created them (the houries) of a rare creation; We have made them virgins, fascinating, of an equal age’.”11
Abode in such a Paradise of “carnal image”, says Gibbon, was the reward of the faithful in the next world. In this world Muhammad encouraged the Muslims to take slave women without restraint. From very “early period Muhammad admitted slave girls to be lawful concubines, besides ordinary wives. Bond-women with whom cohabitation is thus permitted are here specified by the same phrase as was afterwards used for female slaves taken captive in war, or obtained by purchase, viz. ‘that which your right hand possesses.’ …(It was) an inducement to fight in the hope of capturing women who would then be lawful concubines.”12 Margoliouth working with the same scriptural source materials, also avers that “It was then [early years of publicity of Islam] too, that coveting the goods and wives (possessed by Unbelievers) was avowed without discouragement from the Prophet.”13
Special interest in Sex
In brief, the climatic conditions of Arabia the birth-place of Islam, Muhammad’s life-style as a model for Muslims, and injunctions in the Quran and the Hadis, determined Muslim psychology about women. Islam permits polygamy with unbelievable liberality. A man can have four wives at any point of time, that is, if he chooses to have a fifth one, he can divorce one of the already at hand and keep the number within the legal limits of four. Besides, he can have as many slave girls or concubines as he pleases. It is related in the Hadis that Muhammad said that “when the servant of God marries, he perfects half his religion… Consequently in Islam, even the ascetic orders are rather married than single.”14 In Islam there is provision for temporary marriage (muta), multi-marriages, divorce, remarriage of widows, concubinage - in short, there is freedom from all inhibitions and reservations in matters of sex. The insistence is on everybody marrying and celibacy is frowned upon. According to a tradition derived from Ibn Abbas and quoted by Ibn S’ad, popularly known as Katib al-Waqidi the Prophet’s biographer, Muhammad said that “in my ummah, he is the best who has the largest number of wives.”15
It has been repeatedly said Musalmans are allowed by the Quran and the Hadis to have four wives. The aphorisms and maxims current about this phenomenon indicate that all wives could not have been procured in the normal way; some would have been purchased, some others captured. One aphorism says, “One quarrels with you, two are sure to involve you in their quarrels; when you have three, factions are formed against her you love best; but four find society and occupation among themselves, leaving the husband in peace.”16 According to another, “Wives there be four: there’s Bedfellow, Muckheap [dirty], Gadabout [idle] and Queen O’ women. The more the pity that the last is one in a hundred.”17 Yet another says, “A man should marry four wives: A Persian to have some one to talk to; a Khurasani woman for his housework; a Hindu for nursing his children; a woman from Mawaraun nahr, or Transoxiana, to have some one to whip as a warning to the other three.”18 The mention of so many nationalities in the sayings show that obtaining wives and concubines through all kinds of means - capture, purchase, enslavement - was in vogue among medieval Muslims.
In later times, this encouragement to polygamy was taken advantage of by Muslim conquerors. That Muhammad restricted the number of lawful wives but did not restrict the number of slave concubines, came handy to Musalmans. He “thus left upon the minds of his followers the inevitable impression that an unrestricted polygamy was the higher state…”19 Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph, was the first to allow instant divorce (by the pronouncement of talaq, talaq, talaq, three times) called talaq-i-bidat (innovative form of divorce), “to meet an extraordinary situation brought on by wars of conquests”. Those wars brought in such an influx of women that constant divorce became necessary to falicitate quick acquisition of fresh spouses by divorcing the old ones. “Victory over an enemy would seem to have been consummated only when the enemy’s daughter was introduced into the conqueror’s harem”20 - a precept so enthusiastically practised by Muslim conquerors and rulers in India.
It is therefore no wonder that from the day the Muslim invaders marched into India to the time when their political power declined, women were systematically captured and enslaved throughout the length and breadth of the country. Two instances pertaining to two extreme points of time would suffice as examples. When Muhammad bin Qasim mounted his attack on Debal in 712, all males of the age of seventeen and upwards were put to the sword and their women and children were enslaved.21 And after the Third Battle of Panipat (1761), “the unhappy prisoners were paraded in long lines, given a little parched grain and a drink of water, and beheaded… and the women and children who survived were driven off as slaves - twenty-two thousand, many of them of the highest rank in the land, says the Siyar-ut-Mutakhirin.”22
These two instances have been chosen from two points of time on either extremity of Muslim rule in India. And now onwards this pattern of mentioning only two examples, one from the earlier period and the other from the later, will be adhered to. There are reasons for adopting this model. Persian chroniclers were not scientific historians. They often give isolated and disjointed bits of information. This characteristic is also found in their references to issues pertaining to our area of study. For example, while most of the chroniclers give detailed information about the enslavement of women in times of war, only a few like Abul Fazl and emperor Jahangir write about how they were captured, lifted or seduced by nobles and officers in times of peace. Of the women captured in war, some were appropriated by the king, many were presented by the king to the nobles, and many others were sold. But all writers do not give satisfactory information on all these points for the whole of the medieval period. Ibn Battuta gives details of “presentation” ceremonies of slave captives in the time of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, and Bernier and Manucci in the time of Jahangir and Shahjahan. Detailed account of the Slave Markets and prices of slave girls are mainly given by the fourteenth century chronicler Ziyauddin Barani, although some others also refer to them but only casually. Many writers, especially European travellers, describe the treatment meted out to slave girls and girls turned concubines, but the accounts of Pelsaert and Manucci are the most detailed. Many women from Hindu rulers’ families were forcibly married by Muslim kings throughout the medieval period and yet only Shams Siraj Afif narrates in detail of the marriage of Firoz Shah’s mother to Malik Rajjab, a cousin of the king, and emperor Jahangir tells how he demanded daughters of Hindu kings.
In this background, it would be an unremitting task both in volume and repetition to give all anecdotes, facts and figures of enslavement and concubinage of captive women in the central and provincial kingdoms and independent Muslim states found mentioned in the chronicles. This would only lead to repetition resulting in the book becoming bulky. Therefore, two examples - one from the Sultanate period and the other from the Moghul times - would be enough as samples of the system that prevailed throughout. These will suffice to being out the panorama of Muslim indulgence in sex slavery in the medieval period.
The special interest of Muslims in sex slavery was universal and widespread and a plethora of evidence is available in contemporary Persian chronicles. In fact, Muslim historians derive extra delight in narrating anecdotes and stating facts about Muslim indulgence in sex and allied activities. Two incidents from the lives of the first two Sultans, Qutbuddin Aibak and Shamsuddin Iltutmish, may be mentioned here as examples.
On the arrival of Qutbuddin Aibak at Karman (situated between Kabul and Bannu), Tajuddin Yaldoz received him with great kindness and honour and gave him his daughter in marriage. A fete was held on the occasion and poetical descriptions in Hasan Nizami’s Taj-ul-Maasir follow – “of stars, female beauty, cup-bearers, curls, cheeks, eyes, lips, mouths, stature, elegance, cups, wine, singers, guitars, barbets, trumpets, flutes, drums, of the morning, and the sun.”23 And again, when Aibak, some years later tried to remove Yaldoz form his kingdom, he marched to Ghazni and occupied the throne. But only for forty days, for during this period he was “wholly engaged in revelry”, wine and riot, and the affairs of the country through this constant festivity were neglected, and the “Turks of Ghaznin and Muizzi Maliks” invited Yaldoz back to his capital. Aibak was incapable of opposing him and retired to Delhi.24
The following anecdote is related of Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish. He was greatly enamoured of a Turkish slave girl in his harem, whom he had purchased, and sought her caresses, but was always unable to achieve his object. One day he was seated, having his head anointed with some perfumed oil by the hands of the same slave girl, when he felt some tears fall on his head. On looking up, he found that she was weeping. He inquired of her the cause. She replied, “Once I had a brother who had such a bald place on his head as you have, and it reminds me of him.” On making further inquiries it was found that the slave girl was his own sister. They had both been sold as slaves, in their early childhood, by their half-brothers; and thus had Almighty God saved him from committing a great sin. Badaoni states in his work, “I heard this story myself, from the emperor Akbar’s own lips, and the monarch stated that this anecdote had been orally traced to Sultan Ghiyasuddin Balban himself.”25
Forcible Marriages
Forcible marriages, euphemistically called matrimonial alliances, were common throughout the medieval period. Only some of them find mention in Muslim chronicles with their bitter details. Here is one example given by Shams Siraj Afif (fourteenth century). The translation from the original in Persian may be summarised as follows. Firoz Shah was born in the year 709 H. (1309 C.E.). His father was named Sipahsalar Rajjab, who was a brother of Sultan Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq Ghazi. The three brothers, Tughlaq, Rajjab, and Abu Bakr, came from Khurasan to Delhi in the reign of Alauddin (Khalji), and that monarch took all the three in the service of the Court. The Sultan conferred upon Tughlaq the country of Dipalpur. Tughlaq was desirous that his brother Sipahsalar Rajjab should obtain in marriage the daughter of one of the Rais of Dipalpur. He was informed that the daughters of Ranamall Bhatti were very beautiful and accomplished. Tughlaq sent to Ranamall a proposal of marriage. Ranamall refused. Upon this Tughlaq proceeded to the villages (talwandi) belonging to Ranamall and demanded payment of the whole year’s revenue in a lump sum. The Muqaddams and Chaudharis were subjected to coercion. Ranamall’s people were helpless and could do nothing, for those were the days of Alauddin, and no one dared to make an outcry (italics ours). One damsel was brought to Dipalpur. Before her marriage she was called Bibi Naila. On entering the house of Sipahsalar Rajjab she was styled Sultan Bibi Kadbanu. After the lapse of a few years she gave birth to Firoz shah.26 If this could be accomplished by force by a regional officer, there was nothing to stop the king. In the seventeenth century, Jahangir writes in his Memoirs that after the third year of his accession, “I demanded in marriage the daughter of Jagat Singh, eldest son of Raja Man Singh (of Amer).”27 Raja Ram Chandra Bundela was defeated, imprisoned, and subsequently released by Jahangir.28 Later on, says Jahangir, “I took the daughter of Ram Chandra Bandilah into my service (i.e. married her).”29
The reason for including such cases of ‘royal marriages’ in the study of sex slavery is obvious. The language of the above citations shows that such wives, or such secondary wives, are always mentioned as having been taken into service or included among female servants, or as obtaining glory by entering the king’s harem. This style of language is not used in describing the marriages of Nur Jahan or Mumtaz Mahall. Such wives were no more than concubines. Concubinage was very common among Muslim royalty and nobility. Among the Muslim rulers children born of concubines were considered equal to children by marriage, although this is not explicitly laid down in the Quran. The custom must have asserted itself in the first century of Islam.30 The children of such a union belonged to the master and were therefore free but the status of the concubine was thereby raised only to that of ‘mother of children’.31 As an example, the case of Sultan Sikandar Lodi (1489-1517) may be cited. His mother Zeba was originally a Hindu by the name of Hema or Amba. Bahlul Lodi was attracted by her beauty while he was governor of Sarhind. He married her after ascending the throne of Delhi. He had nine sons. Zeba’s son was not the eldest nor was she originally more than a Hindu concubine.32 Although sons of concubines are very freely mentioned without any inhibitions,33 Hindu concubines themselves had little influence on the Muslim psyche. This is evident from the fact that while the mothers of Firoz Tughlaq and Sikandar Lodi were both originally Hindu, their sons became Muslim bigots.
There were some marriages which were not forced, but the wedded women were not accorded due regard even by their own people. In the homes of Muslim ruling classes such women were treated no better than slave girls or concubines. The cases of Rani Ladi and Deval Rani are appropriate examples. Muhammad bin Qasim had captured Rani Ladi, consort of Raja Dahir, during his invasion of Sind. Later on he married her. Thinking that she could wield some influence with her people, he sent her to persuade the people of Alor fort to cooperate with the powerful invader. But “the men standing on the top of the ramparts jeered at her saying: ‘You have mixed with the chandals and defiled yourself. You prefer their rule to ours.’ They then began to abuse her.”34 Deval Devi was the daughter of Raja Karan Baghela of Gujarat and his queen Kamala Devi. Kamala Devi was captured in the sack of Gujarat (1299), and married by Alauddin Khalji. According to the Islamic law, kafir women could be married to Muslims even while their husbands were alive,35 for marriage is annulled by captivity.36 Later on her daughter Deval Devi was also captured in another campaign (1308) and brought to Delhi.37 There she was married to Alauddin’s son Khizr Khan who had fallen in love with her.38 After the assassination of Khizr Khan in the politics of succession, she was married by Qutbuddin Mubarak Khalji (1316-20) against her Will.39 With the murder of Qutbuddin at the hands of Khusrau Khan she was taken into the latter’s harem. In short, this princess was treated as nothing more than a chattel or transferable property in the Khalji ruling house.40 Although such ‘wives’ were treated more or less as slave girls or concubines, they sometimes brought with them scores of bandis for service in the harem. The best example for the Sultanate period is to be found in Malik Muhammad Jaisi’s PadmavatThe story of Padmini may be allegorical, but the important fact is that Padmini and her companions and bandis are said to have been carried in 1,600 litters (actually Rajput warriors who rescued Ratan Singh) to the palace of Alauddin Khalji.41 For the Mughals, it has already been said that Akbar had 5,000 women in his harem who in turn had their own entourage of bandis. To the conquering and ruling Mughals there was no dearth of such women.
Distribution of Slave Girls
Marriages brought servants and bandis, but the largest number of slave girls was collected during raids, campaigns and wars throughout the medieval period. We have briefly seen the achievements of Muslims in this regard from the time of Muhammad bin Qasim onwards. It was a consistent policy to kill all males, especially those capable of bearing arms, and enslave their hapless women.42 Al Biladuri writes that “the governors (who succeeded Qasim) continued to kill the enemy, taking whatever they could acquire…”43 Most of the captives were distributed among nobles and soldiers. Two examples of this custom may be given, one from the Sultanate and the other form the Mughal period.
Muhammad bin Tughlaq became notorious for enslaving women and his reputation in this regard spread far and wide. Ibn Battuta who visited India during his reign and stayed at the Court for a long time writes: “At (one) time there arrived in Delhi some female infidel captives, ten of whom the Vazir sent to me. I gave one of them to the man who had brought them to me… My companion took three girls, and - I do not know what happened to the rest.”44 On the large scale distribution of girl slaves on the occasion of Muslim festivals like Id, he writes: “First of all, daughters of Kafir (Hindu) Rajas captured during the course of the year, come and sing and dance. Thereafter they are bestowed upon Amirs and important foreigners. After this daughters of other Kafirs dance and sing… The Sultan gives them to his brothers, relatives, sons of Maliks etc. On the second day the durbar is held in a similar fashion after Asr. Female singers are brought out… the Sultan distributes them among the Mameluke Amirs…”45 Thousands of non-Muslim women were distributed in the above manner in later years.46
Shahjahan attacked the Portuguese in Hugli in 1632, and captured many women. One such was Maria de Taides “one of the sisters living in the palace of king Sahajahan.”47 Maria de Taides was later married to Ali Mardan Khan.48 One Thomazia Martins also had been taken captive during the fall of Hugli. Many more like these were distributed among the nobles.
Jauhar during attack
How did the Indian women react to such a desperate situation?  When Sindh lay prostrate before the armies of Muhammad bin Qasim, “Raja Dahir’s sister Bai collected all the women in the fort (of Rawar) and addressed them thus: ‘It is certain that we cannot escape the clutches of these Chandals and cow-eaters… As there is no hope of safety and liberty, let us collect fire-wood and cotton and oil (and) burn ourselves to ashes, and thus quickly meet our husbands (in the next world). Whoever is inclined to go and ask mercy of the enemy, let her go… But all of them were of one mind, and so they entered a house and set fire to it, and were soon burnt to ashes.”49 Thereafter, throughout the medieval period, as soon as it was certain that there had been a defeat and the men had been killed, women perished in the fire of Jauhar (jiva har, taking of life). In some cases it was practised by Muslim women also,50 because of the influence of Hindu practice. The Jauhar at Chittor during Akbar’s invasion may be mentioned as an instance in the Mughal period. On the night of 23 February 1568, Rajput commander Jaimal’s death had so discouraged the people of Chittor that they resolved to perform the rite of Jauhar. Flames broke out at various places in the fortress and the ladies were consumed in them. The Jauhar took place in the house of Patta who belonged to the Sisodia clan, in the house of Rathors of whom Sahib Khan was the chief, and the Chauhans whose chief was Aissar Das. “As many as three hundred women were burnt in the destructive fire.”51
But all were not that brave or lucky to escape capture in this manner. During Jujhar Singh Bundela’s resistance in Orcha in the time of Shahjahan, many women were captured and treated most cruelly. Jujhar Singh abandoned his fort of Chauragarh and hastened towards the Deccan. He put to death several of his women whose horses had foundered. The remaining ones made for Golkunda (December, 1634) but were taken by surprise. They had not the time to perform the full rites of Jauhar, but stabbed a number of women. The Mughals picked up the wounded women and made away with them.52 It was in this fashion that women used to be captured and distributed for service in the harems of the Muslim elite.
Behaviour of Stave Girls
Slave girls may be divided under three categories on the basis of their character and conduct. One set comprised of the ambitious, cunning and crafty who tried to wield influence in the harem. Just the opposite were the simple, docile and submissive. In between were those who were keen to exercise ascendancy but through beauty and tact; they were otherwise loyal and lovable.
During the very beginning of Muslim rule in India the domineering and intriguing figure of Shah Turkan attracts our attention. According to Minhaj Siraj, the author of the contemporary chronicle Tabqat-i-Nasiri, “Shah Turkan was a Turkish hand-maid, and the head [woman] of all the Sultan's (Iltutmish’s) haram.”53 She manipulated to prefix the title of Khudawand-i-Jahan to her name and rise to the position of “the greatest [of the ladies] of the sublime haram, and her place of residence was the royal palace”.54 She used to confer lavish presents upon the nobles of the court in order to win support for her son for the throne. She caused royal orders and decrees to be issued in her name and tortured many favourite ladies of Iltutmish after his death.55 For the later Mughal period, there is the classic example of Lal Kunwar and her lay-in-waiting Zohra, both concubines of the Mughal emperor Jahandar Shah (1712). Lal Kunwar was a vulgar, thoughtless, dancing girl from the streets.56 She received a large allowance and imitated the style of Nur Jahan, the famous queen of Jahangir.57 “All the brothers and relatives… of Lal Kunwar received mansabs of four or five thousand… and were raised to dignity in their tribe.”58 Naturally, talented and learned men were driven away from the court. Zohra was a melon seller and a friend of Lal Kunwar. At the latter’s instance she was called into the harem by Jahandar Shah. She was highly ambitious and scheming like Lal Kunwar. She was, however, shown her place by the servants of Chin Qulich Khan, a retired general of Aurangzeb. The incident is interesting to narrate. Once Zohra was going on an elephant with her retinue, an insolent lot. Chin Qulich also happened to go that way and was met by her equippage. His men stepped aside, but Zohra called out: “Thou, Chin Kalich Khan, must surely be the son of some blind father, not to move out of the road.” These words unhinged the general’s temper, who made a sign to his people to chastise that vulgar woman’s servants. After dealing with her servants and eunuchs, “they dragged Zohra herself from the elephant to the ground, and gave her several cuffs and kicks.”59 Arrogant and crafty women like Shah Turkan, Lal Kunwar and Zohra were rather common in the Muslim harems. Nor uncommon were women who were not that uncultured although they were equally unscrupulous. Aurangzeb could imprison his brother Prince Murad through the active cooperation of one of his concubines,60 and Udaipuri-Mahall, a Georgian slave girl and concubine of prince Dara Shukoh, willingly went over to Aurangzeb on the latter’s ascension to power.61
On the other extreme were women of unquestioned fidelity. Akbar was told that because of the practise of monogamy among Christians, fidelity of their women was taken for granted. “The extraordinary thing is,” he said to the Christian Fathers in retort, “that it occurs among those of the Brahman (i.e. the Hindu) religion. There are numerous concubines, and many of them are neglected and unappreciated and spend their days unfructuously in the private chamber of chastity, yet in spite of such bitterness of life they are flaming torches of love and fellowship.” On hearing about such noble souls the seekers after wisdom were filled with surprise in the august assemblage.62 Devotion of such women was well known. Jahangir narrates the story of Lal Kalawant - the singer also know as Miyan Lal63 – “who from his childhood had grown up in my father’s service… (He) died in the 65th or 70th year of his age. One of his girls (concubines) ate opium on this event and killed herself. Few women among the Musalmans have shown such fidelity.”64 Rupmati of Sarangpur, because of her love for her paramour Baz Bahadur “bravely quaffed the cup of deadly poison and carried her honour to the hidden chambers of annihilation,”65 rather than be captured by Adham Khan. Before her, Deval Rani, though not so lucky, was an equally determined character. Loyalty of Hindu concubines was proverbial, but Muslim ones were not devoid of it. Akbarabadi-Mahall and Fatehpuri-Mahall, shared Shahjahan’s captivity in the Agra Fort and they were present by his beside when he breathed his last in January, 1666. Rana-i-Dil was originally a dancing girl before she became a favourite concubine of Prince Dara Shukoh. After his execution, Aurangzeb desired to possess her, but she refused.66
Extreme cases of shrewish and termagant women on the one hand and those known for sacrifice and devotion on the other were few. Muslim harems mainly contained attractive women with normal behaviour. In medieval times mutilation and castration were common punishments meted out to men in war and peace and their beautiful women were taken into the harems of the elites. Besides, “silver bodied damsels with musky tresses” were purchased in the slave markets of India and abroad. The harems were thus filled with an assortment of beauties from various countries and nationalities, although Indian women predominated. They were renowned for their beauty, delicacy and femininity. From the time of Amir Khusrau, many a poet in medieval India has extolled their beauty and charm. So also have the Europeans.  Orme, along with many others, affirms that “nature seems to have showered beauty on the fairer sex throughout Hindustan with a more lavish hand than in most other countries.”67 Their faithfulness and devotion matched their charm. In the harem these amenable creatures were an asset and were welcome in ever larger numbers.
Slave girls had two main functions to perform, domestic service and providing sex if and when required. In medieval Muslim society sex slavery and concubinage were almost interchangeable terms. For the polygamous Muslim men of means slave girls and maids were as much in demand as kanchanis or dancing girls, concubines or even free born women. Whether they were purchased in the open market,68 or captured during war, or selected during excursions, or came as maids of brides, in short whatever their channel of entry into the harem, the slave girls kept in the palace of the king or mahals of the nobles were invariably good looking. Their faces determined their place in the harem and in the heart of the master. Their being a little sexy was an additional attractions,69 but those with bad breath and odour in the armpits were avoided as unpleasant smell was repugnant to kissing and caressing.70 They used to be elegantly attired. Their garments were sometimes gifted to them by their masters or mistresses. It was a custom that the princesses did not wear again the dresses they put on once, and gave them away to their bandis.71 Some favourite slave girls were taught to sing and play on musical instruments. Many of them were trained to recite verses, naghmas and ghazals. The habit of speaking elegantly in correct diction and immaculate pronunciation was so familiar to the females of Muslim society that maids too were readily distinguished by their refined language. Placed as they were, they knew how to win the hearts of their masters who gave them lovely and caressing names like Gulab, Champa, Chameli, Nargis, Kesar, Kasturi, Gul-i-Badam, Sosan, Yasmin, Gul-i-Rana, Gul Andam, Gul Anar, Saloni, Madhumati, Sugandhara, Koil, Gulrang, Mehndi, Dil Afroz, Moti, Ketki, Mrig Nain, Kamal Nain, Basanti etc., etc. Elaborating on their ethnic status Manucci adds that “All the above names are Hindu, and ordinarily these …are Hindus by race, who had been carried off in infancy from various villages or the houses of different rebel Hindu princes. In spite of their Hindu names, they are however, Mahomedans.”72 As a rule, “being kafir is a defect in both ghulam and bandi as by nature the Musalman detests to associate with or keep company of a kafir.”73 Obviously, the number of such converted slave girls was so large that even Hindu names of all of them could not be changed to Islamic ones. For instance, while under Aurangzeb women and children of the Rajputs and Marathas74 were regularly enslaved during raids and invasions, even nobles of lesser note indulged in reckless enslavement throughout. Sidi Yaqut of Janjira or Zanjira (Zanj is used for black African), once took a Maratha fort and seven hundred persons came out. Notwithstanding his word to grant quarter to the garrison “he made the children and pretty women slaves, and forcibly converted them to Islam… but the men he put to death.”75
Francisco Pelsaert gives a succinct description of the sex-play of a nobleman in his harem. and the role of slave girls therein. He writes that “each night the Amir visits a particular wife, or mahal, and receives a very warm welcome from her and from the slaves (i.e. slave girls), who (are) dressed specially for the occasion… If it is the hot weather, they… rub his body with pounded sandalwood and rosewater. Fans are kept going steadily. Some of the slaves chafe the master’s hand and feet, some sit and sing, or play music and dance, or provide other recreation, the wife sitting near him all the time. Then if one of the pretty slave girls takes his fancy, he calls her to him and enjoys her, his wife not daring to show any signs of displeasure, but dissembling, though she will take it out on the slave girls later on.”76 But the wife could not get rid of her by dismissing or selling her. As per the Islamic law the mistress could quarrel with the husband, could even reproach him, but she could not free a slave girl or get rid of her.77 Manumitting aghulam or bandi was the privilege of the master only.
But except in exceptional cases, where the maid’s beauty and blandishments so excited the jealousy of the mistress that she treated her severely, a slave girl’s life was not of unmitigated suffering. In this scenario, the bandis were both maids and companions of their mistresses. The mistress in distress poured out her heart to her slave girl and the maid sought the advice of the former regarding her problems. Young and beautiful girls, whether ladies or maids, did wish to be married. And marriage was not shut out for either. A slave girl could be married with the permission of the master. If the master liked a maid, he just took her as his own wife.78 Slave girls could be easily swapped by admiring masters. Prince Aurangzeb readily gave his concubine Chhatar Bai in exchange for Hira Bai with whom he had fallen passionately in love.79 Begums like Mumtaz Mahall and Nur Jahan married off a large number of slave girls to deserving men.80 But all were not so lucky and many of the slave girls had to wait in vain for matrimony. Manucci writes that some of them suffered from insomnia, hallucinations and hysteria, and marriage brought them back to “perfect health.”81 Manucci helped many maids to marry.
But all slave girls were not married. They were not captured, purchased or enticed to be married. They were there in the Muslim harems to do service and be enjoyed by the masters. They could be sold, distributed or exchanged. Therefore most of them were unhappy. And they were never a scarce commodity; fresh arrivals or rivals were always replacing old ones. Hence the desire for self-preservation dominated their psyche. A change on the throne meant passing over to a new master, and if and when a ruler or noble lost power, slave girls sought shelter in fending for themselves. An example of this scenario given by us elsewhere pertains to the slave girls in the harem of Saiyyad Abdulla Khan of Saiyyad Brothers fame.82 On the fall of Abdulla Khan from power, “when in 1720, the intelligence of his captivity reached Delhi, his women, of whom he had gathered a large number around him, were in dismay: some of noble birth, remained in their places, but a good many made the best of time, and before the arrival of the royal guard (who would have taken them away also in escheat), they seized whatever they could, and disguising themselves with old veils and sheet, they took their departure.”83 This is the version of Khafi Khan. Mir Ghulam Husain Khan, the author of Siyar-ul-Mutakherin, also throws light on some other facets of the situation and therefore he needs to be quoted at some length. “The ladies of Abdullah-Khan’s family,” writes he, “far from quitting the house, remained within their own apartments, and covering themselves from head to foot with the veil of decency and modesty, sat weeping in a circle, without anyone offering to move or to escape the dismal scene around them… But some of the inferior females availed themselves of the confusion to carry off whatever came to hand, and stole away in disguise, wearing dirty clothes and common veils. These had disappeared before the government officers thought of taking possession of the palace of the Saiyyads. Some of these women were taken up by the police officers, but others effected their escape… One Abdullah-Khan, of Cashan in Persia, to whom Abdullah-Khan, his old friend and master, had intrusted the care of his seraglio, no sooner heard of the disaster that had befallen his benefactor, entering the sanctuary of the women, seized and carried away whatever persons and effects he chose…”84.
The above narrative correctly depicts the role of men and women slaves in a Muslim harem. Everything went off well in days of prosperity. When misfortune struck, the noble ladies suffered in silence, the ever-exploited slave girls fled without remorse, and the ‘confidant’ men slaves did not miss the opportunity to carry away women and indulge in unbridled sex slavery.”85
Early in the eighteenth century Muslim rule in India set on its path of decline. The harems of royalty and nobility began to suffer from a financial crunch. Many slave girls in these establishments, unable to bear the rigours of penury, left their palaces and mansions and took up quarters in the cities to fend for themselves. Thousands of eunuch guards of the harems also took to the streets when their services were dispensed with or starvation knocked at their doors.86
In their effort to provide means of livelihood for themselves many slave girls adopted the profession of dancing girls and prostitutes and hundreds of eunuchs, thrown out of employment, turned bhands and hijras. Prostitution is practised the world over, hijras are a people peculiar to India. Basically, and historically, they have come down or ‘descended’ from the medieval eunuchs.
A typical and complete hijra was Sultan Qutbuddin Mubarak Khalji (1316-1320). He occasionally dressed himself in female attire, embroidered with laces and adorned with gems, and went about dancing in the houses of the nobles like a typical hijraSimilarly, Hasan Kangu, the ruler of Malabar, often used to come to court (darbar-i-am) dressed in the fashion of females. He bedecked his arms and neck with jewellery and ornaments and used to ask his nobles to treat him to sexual passivity.87 In short, the courts of Qutbuddin and Hasan Kangu presented licence and obscenity of the hijras in utter nakedness.
In the polygamous Muslim society some men possessed a plurality of women leaving many other men to remain unmarried. This led the latter to entice, abduct and enslave girls wherever possible as well as to make love to beardless boys (amrads) and hijras. Thus need combined with perversion contributed to the proliferation of hijras. This is amply reflected in a brief survey of life in Delhi inMuraqqa-i-Dihli (Album of Delhi) written by Dargah Quli Khan who visited the metropolis in 1738-39 and often walked through its streets. Like in the fourteenth, in the eighteenth century also one found in the city of Delhi boys dancing in a world of lecherous sinners soliciting their hearts’ desire. Amrads were as much in demand as courtesans.88 During and after the decline of the Mughal empire, hijras did not remain confined to cities like Delhi or Agra. They spread far and wide but especially where the scions or governors of the Mughals established independent states like in Avadh or Hyderabad. A good number of hijras are found in Lucknow and in Hyderabad, as well as in cities like Bombay where ‘composite culture’ and a respectable presence of Muslims obtains.
These unfortunate hijras, who have continued as a legacy of the Muslim slave system, still play a pernicious and parasitical role in Indian society. Their aggressive demand for benefaction makes them detested. There are many negative aspects of Muslim slave system of which probably the hijra is the worst. But in medieval times hijras were as essential a part of Muslim society as any other section. In Delhi and its environs there are extant a number of mausoleums, called Gumbads, of the Saiyyad and Lodi period. It is an interesting fact that with Bare Khan Ka Gumbad (Dome and Tomb), Chhote Khan Ka Gumbad, Dadi ka Gumbad, and Poti Ka Gumbad, there is also the famous Hijre Ka Gumbad.89
1 Margoliouth, Muhammad, 149.2 Margoliouth, 97. For role of women in spreading Islam see also Arnold, Preaching of Islam, 234.
3 Arnold, 365.
4 Manucci, II, 240; also 336-338, 391-93. 467; Lal, The Mughal Harem, 164 and n. 49, 50, 51.
5 Hughes, Dictionary of Islam, 464.
6 Ibid., 600.
7 A devout Muslim Uwayah Qami lived in the valley of Urfa. He told Umar and All that “when I learnt that a tooth of the Prophet had been martyred (in the Battle of Uhud) I broke one of mine. Then I thought that perhaps some other tooth of his had been martyred. So, I broke all my teeth… It is only after that that I felt at peace” (Shykh Fariduddin Attar, Tazkirat-ul-Auliya, trs. into Urdu by Maulana Zubair Afzal Usmani, Delhi, n.d., 16, and quoted by Sita Ram Goel, Islam vis-a-vis Hindu Temples, New Delhi, 1993, 59-60).
8 William Muir, Life of Mahomet, 528.
9 Margoliouth, 148.  Also Gibbon, II, 694.
10 Margoliouth, 351-52; also 449-50 writing on the authority of Musnud, iv, 422.
11 Quran, Lii.21ff., Lvi.11ff., Lxxviii.31ff. Cited in Muir, 74-75. Hughes,  449.
12 Muir, 73-74n.; Hughes, 59. Also Gibbon, II, 678.
13 Margoliouth, 149.
14 Hughes, 313-14.
15 Ram Swarup, Understanding Islam through Hadis, 57 and n.
16 Burton, Sindh Revisited, I, 340.
17 Bary, 81.
18 Ain., I, 327. All these three references have been given in Herklot, Islam in India, 85-86.
19 Hughes, 464.
20 Margoliouth, 177.
21 W. Haig in C.H.I., III, 3; Chachnama Kalichbeg, 82-84.
22 H. G. Rawlinson in C.H.I., IV, 424 and n.
23 E.D., II. 221.
24 Minhaj, 506, 526n.
25 Ibid., Reverty in 601n.
26 Afif, 36-40. Trs in E.D., III, 271-73.
27 Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri, I, 144.
28 Ibid., 82-83, 87.
29 Ibid., 160.
30 Hamilton, Hedaya, I, Discourse, XVIII; Schacht, Cambridge History of Islam, II, 144.
31 Hitti, The Arabs, 76.
32 Ahmad Yadgar, Tarikh-i-Salatin-i-Afghana, Persian Text, 17, 31-34; Farishtah I, 179; Tabqat-i-Akbari, I, 298. For many other references see Lal, Twilight, 162-63.
33 Niamatullah, Makhzan-i-Afghani, 51 (6); Tuzuk, I. 20.
34 Chachnama, Kalichbeg, 176-77.
35 Muir, Life of Mahomet, 365.
36 Hughes, Dictionary of Islam, 59; Margoliouth, Mohammed, 407, 461.
37 For details see Lai, Khaljis, 234-36.
38 Ibid., 264-65.
39 Hajiuddabir, Zafarul Valih, 841-44; Farishtah, I, 125.
40 Barani, 410-11; Lal, Khaljis, 298-99.
41 Lal, Khaljis, 102-110, esp. 103.
42 Chachnama, Kalichheg, 83, 155, 161, 173-74; E.D., I, 164, 170-71, 203; Al Biladuri, E.D., I, 123.  For massacres of Alauddin Khalji, Khazain-ul-Fatuh, Habib trs, 49.
43 Al Biladuri, op.cit. 127.
44 Ibn Battuta, 123.
45 Ibn Battuta, 63; Hindi tras., in Rizvi, Tughlaq Kalin Bharat part I, Aligarh 1956, 189.
46 Afif, 119-20, 180, 265.
47 Manucci, I, 202; II, 35; III, 179.
48 Saksena, B.P., History of Shahjahan, 89, 112-13, for die Portuguese captives of Hughli and female prisoners of the Bundela ruling family of Orcha.
49 Chachnama, Kalichbeg, 153-55; E.D., I, 181.
50 Yazdi, Zafar Nama, II, 130-32.  Lal, Twilight, 32.
51 Akbar Nama, II, 472.
52 C.H.I., IV, 195.
53 Minhaj, 630;631 and n.4. Futuh-us-Salatin, a historical work by Isami, composed in the 14th century, mentions casually that she was a Hindu slave girl. Mahdi Husain’s acceptance of Isami’s version lacks critical analysis. Futuh, trs. II, 247 and n.2. Also 249.
54 Minhaj, 638.
55 Nigam, Nobility under the Sultanate of Delhi, 28.
56 C.H.I., IV, 328.
57 Sarkar in Ibid., 226.
58 Khafi Khan, 432-33.
59 Siyar-ul-Mutakhrin, 33.
60 C.H.I., IV. 215.
61 Andre Butenschon, The Life of the Mughal Princess, 39, 194-95.
62 A.N., III, 372.
63 Ain, I, 681 and n.
64 Tuzuk, I, 150.
65 A.N., II, 213-14.
66 Lal, Mughal Harem, 30.
67 Orme’s Fragments, 438.
68 Barani, 314-15; Bernier, 426.
69 Ashraful Hidayah, VIII, 138.
70 Ibid., 137.
71 Bernier, 258; Manucci, II, 341.
72 Manucci, II, 336-38.
73 Ashraf-ul-Hidayah, Deoband, VIII, 138-39. P. Venkateshwar Rao Jr., in his review of Akbar Ahmed’s, BBC BKs/Penguin, From Samarkand to Stornoway living Islam, in the Indian Express Sunday Magazine, June 27, 1993, observes: “He (Ahmed) hates Muslim wives whose children have Hindu names.” But that is the legal position. A Musalman is expected to detest the company of a kafir, in spite of the efforts made for acquiring non-Muslim wives in medieval and modem times. But Ahmed’s aim is, as he himself claims, to show “where Muslims are able to live by the ideal and where they are not”.
74 Khafi Khan, II, 300, 371.
75 ibid., II, 228, 261 ff, 498 ff.
76 Pelsaert, 64-65.
77 Fatawa-i-Alamgiri, Delhi, III, Kitab-ul-’Ataq, 1-89; Deoband, XII, 23-98; esp. 15.
78 Gulbadan Begum, Humayun Nama, Persian Text, 27, English trs., 112.
79 Hamiduddin Khan, Bahadur, Ahkam-i-Alamgiri, 36-38; Lal, Mughal Harem, 158-60.
80 Muhammad Hadi, Tatimma-i-Waqiat-i-Jahangiri (or Epilogue to Jahangir’s Memoirs), E.D., VI, 339.
81 Manucci, II, 397-98.
82 The Mughal Harerm, 198.
83 Khafi Khan, Muntakhab-ul-Lubab, text, II, 921 ff. trs. in E.D., VII, 515.
84 Mir Ghulam Husain Khan, Siyar-ul-Mutakherin, revised from the translation of Hag Mustafa by Johns Briggs, 1832, and republished Allahabad, 1924, 183.
85 Servants formed part of the establishment and so were included in escheat. Ibid., 188.
86 Lal, Mughal Harem, 198,199.
87 Barani, 396; Afif, 261-62
88 Muraqqa-i-Dihli, Persian text and trs. in Urdu by Nurul Hasan Ansari, 129-34, 192-205 respectively.
89 Percy Brown, Indian Architecture (Islamic Period) third ed. 28-29; Carr Stephen, Archaeology and Monumental Remains of Delhi, 196-97; Archaeological Survey Report, IV, 67ff. XX, 155-58. Also Lal, Twilight, 230-31 for other references. 

Historical Revenue of India in The Mughal Times

According to the Book by Edward Thomas in Nov 1871, titled The revenue resources of the Mughal Empire in India from A.D. 1593 to A.D 1707:

Feroze Shah's revenue 1351-1388 was UK Pounds 6.85 Million.
Babur's revenue 1526-1530 was UK Pounds 2.6 Million (With a larger territory than Feroze Shah!)

In the between, Timur, Lodhi and other Muslim invaders had ruined the wealth of the nation. As well as the fact that instead of Hindu natives managing the taxation and accounts, there were wazirs of the sultan pinching jazia!

Apart from Jazia, there were Taxes on Ruhdari... people occupied with transit of souls, Pag or turban, Dudi which means Smoke or hearth tax, etc...

Interesting to note there were taxes on Kimar Bazi or gambling, Khammari or sale of liquor and Sayar Jihat or miscellaneous!

Akbar's revenue are quoted improperly in this book, and need minute study. It states at one place 5 Arabs 67 Crores 63 lakh 83 thousand and 383 dams, at another place it is 6,62,97,55,246 Dams. At still another place it becomes 138 Million Dams at one place, and in Arab Crores in other. The variance is based on the number of Subahs accounted within Sultanate, which varied much during his reign. A correct yearly estimate in UK ponds would be about 32 Million.

Jehangir's revenues (1609-11) from land are quoted as 50crore rupees.As a rupiyah was worth 2 shillings in those times, that would mean about UK Pounds 250 Million ? 

Thomas Coryate in 1615 writes of Jehangir's kingdom: 4000 miles in circumference nearly equivalent to Turkish land, yearly revenue extends to 40 Million pound Sterlings as against 15 Milliion of the Turks and 5 million of the Sophy. He equated a crown to 6 shillings each.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Puru Dynasty : harivamsha-parva > harivamsha-purANa, the sequel of MahAbhArata

Reference Link

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mahAbhAratamtasya khila bhAho


harivamsha parva
ch 32

puru vaMsha kIrtanam
dynasty of puru


 vaishampAyana uvAca— vaishampAyana continued:

anAdhR^iShyaH tu rAjarShir R^icheyuH cha eka-rAT smR^itaH |
R^icheyor jvalanA  nAma bhAryA vai takShaka AtmajA || 1-32-1
tasyAM sa devyAM rAjarShir matinAro mahIpatiH |
matinAraH sutAH cha Asan trayaH parama-dhArmikAH || 1-32-2
taMsuH AdyaH prati-rathaH subAhuH chaiva dhArmikaH |
gaurI kanyA cha vikhyAtA mAndhAtR^i jananI shubhA || 1-32-3
sarve veda-vidaH tatra brahmaNyAH satya-vAdinaH |
sarve kR^ita-astrA balinaH sarve yuddha-vishAradAH || 1-32-4
It is said that the sagely king Richeyu is an invincible and unique king who married lady jvalana, the daughter of takshaka, and that kingly saint begot through her a prince called matinAra, aka mati-nAtha... and this matinAra begot three sons and a daughter; sons are taMsu, prati-ratha, and subAhu, who are all well-read in the Vedas, conversant with the knowledge of brahman, truthful, well-versed in the use of arms, powerful and skilful in warfare... and the daughter of mati-nAra is called gauri... this gauri is the mother of mAndhAta...
putraH prati-rathasya AsIt kaNvaH samabhavat nR^ipaH |
medhAtithiH sutaH tasya yasmAt kANvAyanA dvijAH || 1-32-5
O king, prati-ratha's son is king kaNwa whose son is medhatithi from whom a line of brAhmaNa-s called kANvAyana-s, kANva-shAkha has come...
IlinI bhUpa yasya AsIt kanyA vai janamejaya |
brahma-vAdinya adhi strIM cha taMsuH tAm abhyagachChata || 1-32-6
Whose daughter is lady Ilini, that king Ilina is an outstanding one among all the brahma-devouts, and king taMsu married such a lady namely Ilini...
In some mms this name is written as lady Ila which is incorrect. - nk
taMsoH surodho rAjarShir dharma-netro mahAyashAH |
brahma-vAdI para-AkrAntaH tasya bhArya upadAnavI || 1-32-7
King taMsu begot a sagely king surodha who is valorous and righteous as well, and who by his righteous deeds is also known by another name dharma-netra, and who took lady upadAnavi as his wife...
upadAnavI sutAn lebhe chaturaH tu Ilika-AtmajAn |
duShyantam atha suShmantaM pravIram anaghaM tathA || 1-32-8
Lady upadAnavi begot four sons through the son of lady Ilini, aka surodha, aka dharma-netra, who are duShyantasuShmanta, pravIra and anagha...
duShyantasya tu dAyAdo bharato nAma vIryavAn |
sa sarva-damano nAma nAga-Ayuta balo mahAn || 1-32-9
chakravartI suto jaj~ne duShyantasya mahAtmanaH |
shakuntalAyAM bharato yasya nAmnA stha bhAratAH || 1-32-10
duShyanta’s son is the valiant bharata, who in his childhood was called as sarva-damana, and who is said to have the strength of a thousand elephants... duShyanta begot this emperor son bharata through lady shakuntala, and oh, janamejaya, you all are being called bharatA-s only after him...
duShyantaM prati rAjAnaM vAk uvAcha asharIriNI |
mAtA bhastrA pituH putro yena jAtaH sa eva saH || 1-32-11
bharasva putraM duShyanta mA avamaMsthAH shakuntalAm |
retodhAH putra unnayati nara-deva yama-kShayAt || 1-32-12
tvaM cha asya dhAtA garbhasya satyam Aha shakuntalA |
When duShyanta rejected lady shakuntala as his wife, then a formless entity spoke from firmament:
'The mother is but the sheath of flesh; the son sprung from the father is the father himself. Therefore, O Dushmanta, cherish thy son, and insult not Sakuntala. O best of men, the son, who is but a form of one's own seed, rescueth (ancestors) from the region of Yama. Thou art the progenitor of this boy. Sakuntala hath spoken the truth...  [mbh, Adi, KMG]
bhastrA = leathern case.
bharatasya vinaShTeShu tanayeShu mahIpateH || 1-32-13
mAtR^INAM tAta kopena mayA te katithaM purA |
bR^ihaspateH A~NgirasaH putro rAjan mahAmuniH |
saMkrAmito bharadvAjo marudbhiH R^itubhir vibhuH || 1-32-14
atra eva udAharanti imaM bharadvAjasya dhImataH |
dharma-saMkramaNaM chApi marudbhiH bharatAya vai || 1-32-15
I have already said about the perish of all the sons of bharata as a result of the anger of their mothers, while I was narrating Adi parva of mahAbhArata, isn’t it... that being so, there is a great sage bharadvAja... this bharadvAja emerged as the son of BRihaspati, where BRihaspati himself is the son of ANgirasa, when BRihaspati performed a vedic ritual aiming at marut-gaNA-s, the wind-gods... when emperor Bharata is rendered childless there occurred an imbroglio of dharma insofar as the futurity of his lineage...  then this BharadvAja became the son of Bharata at the behest of marud-gaNA-s... this is an often cited episode, so let us skip it here...
ayojayat bharadvAjo marudbhiH kratubhiH hitam |
pUrvaM tu vitathe tasya kR^ite vai putra janmani || 1-32-16
tataH atha vitatho nAma bharadvAja sutaH abhavat |
tataH atha vitathe jAte bharataH tu divaM yayau || 1-32-17
vitathaM cha abhiShichya atha bharadvAjo vanaM yayau |
Later when bharadvAja conducted a vedic ritual aiming at marut-gaNA-s to coalesce bharata’s futurity with the grace of marut-gaNA-s, then a son named vitatha has emerged... because bharadvAja sired this prince vitatha, though not biogenetically, but by his yogic power, this newly emerged prince vi-tatha,  meaning unsuch, not such, is called as the son of bharadvAja... then, perceiving the continuity of his lineage in his grandson vitatha through the spiritual effort of his so-called son sage bharadvAja, emperor bharata left for heaven... consequently sage bharadvAja too left for woods anointing this vitatha as king, as a true acetic uninterested in kingdoms or descendants, and as his role of a viaduct is finished...
sa rAjA vitathaH putrA~n janayAmAsa pa~ncha vai || 1-32-18
suhotraM cha suhotAraM gayaM gargaM tathaiva cha |
kapilaM cha mahAtmAnaM suhotrasya suta dvayam || 1-32-19
kAshikaH cha mahA-sattvaH tathA gR^itsamatiH nR^ipaH |
tathA gR^itsamateH putrA brAhmaNaH kShatriyA vishaH || 1-32-20
Then king vitatha begot five sons called: Suhotra, SuhotAra, Gaya, Garga, and Kapila... later king suhotra begot two sons named KAshika and GRitsamati, where the progeny of GRitsamati became many BrAhmaNa-s, Kshatriya-s, Vaishya-s etc...

 kAshikasya tu kAsheyaH putro dIrghatapAH tathA |
babhUva dIrghatapaso vidvAn dhanvantariH sutaH || 1-32—21
dhanvantareH tu tanayaH ketumAn iti vishrutaH |
atha ketumataH putro vIro bhImaratho nR^ipa || 1-32-22
suto bhImarathasya AsIt divodAsaH prajeshvaraH |
divodAsa iti khyAtaH sarva-rakSho-vinAshanaH || 1-32-23
The lineage of king kAshika who ruled the kAsheya province is like this: kAshika --> dIrgha-tapa → dhanvantari → ketumAn → bhIma-ratha →  divodAsa; this divodAsa is reputed for elimination of all the rAkshasa-s...
etasmin eva kAle tu purIM vArANasIM nR^ipa |
shUnyAM niveshayAmAsa kShemako nama rAkShasaH |
shaptA hi sA matimatA nikumbhena mahAtmanA |
shUnyA varSha-sahasraM vai bhavitri iti narAdhipa || 1-32-24
At this time, O king, depopulated by a rAkshasa named kShemaka, and cursed by the follower of god shiva, namely nikuMbha, the city of vAraNAsi had to remain uninhabited for one thousand years...
tasyAM tu shaptamAtrAyAM divodAsaH prajeshvaraH |
viShaya ante purIM ramyAM gomatyAM saMnyaveshayat || 1-32-25
As soon as this curse is pronounced against the city of vAraNAsi its king divodasa laid a most beautiful city on the riverbank of gomati at the fringes of his kingdom...
bhadrashreNyasya pUrvaM tu purI vArANasI bhavat |
yadu-vaMsha-prasUtasya tapasyabhiratasya cha || 1-32-26
bhadrashreNyasya putrANAM shatam uttama dhanvinAm |
hatvA niveshayAmAsa divodAsaH prajeshvaraH || 1-32-27
Formerly the city vAraNAsi was in the possession of the ascetic king bhadrashreNya born in the race of yadu-s. But this king divodasa redeemed this kingdom on eliminating the hundred sons of bhadrashreNya who were all excellent bowmen...
divodAsasya putraH tu vIro rAjA pratardanaH |
pratardanasya putrau dvau vatso bhArgaH tathaiva cha || 1-32-28
alarko rAja-putraH tu rAjA sannatimAn bhuvi |
The heroic king pratardana is divodAsa's son who had two sons, namely vatsa and bharga, and alarka is a descendant of vatsa... sannatiman is a descendant of alarka...
haihayasya tu dAyAdyaM hR^itavAn vai mahIpatiH || 1-32-29
Ajahre pitR^I-dAyAdyaM divodAsa hR^itaM balAt |
bhadrashreNyasya putreNa durdamena mahAtmanA |
divodAsena bAla iti ghR^iNayA parivarjitaH || 1-32-30
kAsheya province with vAraNAsi as its capital originally belonged to bhadrashreNya of haihaya lineage and king divodAsa usurped it... but, prince durdama, the last son ofbhadrashreNya, recaptured it from divodAsa when he came of age...when divodAsa eliminated the hundred sons of bhadrashreNya, he sympathetically left this last one durdamaout because he was a boy then...
aShTAratho nAma nR^ipaH suto bhImarathasya vai|
tena putreShu bAleShu prahR^itaM tasya bhArata || 1-32-31
vairasya-antaM mahArAja kShatriyeNa vidhitsatA |
aShTAratha, aka pratardana, is the son of bhImaratha, aka divodAsa; because the hundred sons of bhadrashreNya have once eliminated every youngling while capturingkAsheya province, divodAsa made this pratardana to retaliate in the same way while recapturing kAshi from bhadrashreNya’s clansmen, and thus he has put an end to ancestral hostilities as a true kshatriya...
aSTharatha pratardana; bhImarathasyeti divodAsasya visheShaNam.
alarkaH kAshi-rAjaH tu brahmaNyaH satyasa~NgaraH || 1-32-32
ShaShTi-varSha-sahasrANi ShaShTi-varSha-shatAni cha |
tasya AsIt su-mahad-rAjyaM rUpa-yauvana-shAlinaH || 1-32-33
yuvA rUpeNa saMpanna AsIt kAshi kula udvahaH |
lopAmudrA prasAdena parama Ayur avApa saH || 1-32-34
vayaso.ante mahAbAhur hatvA kShemaka rAkShasam |
shUnyAM niveshayAmAsa purIM vArANasIM nR^ipa || 1-32-35
Later, the devotee of brahma and a truthful one, prince alarka, the grandson of pratardana, became the king of kAshi... endowed with the grace of lady lopAmudra, his charm, youthfulness and longevity are maintained; his ruling capacity of the expansive kingdom of kAshi for six-thousand-six-hundred years is achieved; repopulating the uninhabited kAshi by eliminating the demon called kShemaka at the end of accurst period is accomplished...
alarkasya tu dAyAdaH sunItho nAma pArthivaH |
sunIthasya tu dAyAdaH kShemyo nAma mahAyashAH || 1-32-36
kShemyasya ketumAn putro varShaketuH tato.abhavat |
varShaketoH tu dAyAdo vibhuH nAma prajeshvaraH || 1-32-37
AnartaH tu vibhoH putraH sukumAraH tato.abhavat |
putraH tu sukumArasya satyaketuH mahArathaH || 1-32-38
tato.abhavan mahAtejA rAjA paramadhArmikaH |
vatsasya vatsa-bhUmiH tu bhArga-bhUmiH tu bhArgavAt || 1-32-39
ete tu a~NgirasaH putrA jAtA vaMshe.atha bhArgave |
brAhmaNAH kShatriyA vaishyAH shUdrAshcha bharatarShabha ||1-32-40
The heroic king pratardana is divodAsa's son who had two sons, namely vatsa and bharga, and alarka is a descendant of vatsa... the lineage of princes from alarka is like this: alarka → sunItha → kShemya → ketumanta → varShaketu → vibhu → Anarta → sukumAra → satyaketu... vatsa’s province is called vatsa-bhUmi, and bharga’s provincebharga-bhUmi... these all are the offshoots of a~NgirasA-s, hence they are also called bhArgavA-s... from them there emerged many brAhmaNA-s, kShatriyA-s, vaishyA-s and shUdrA-s...
suhotrasya bR^ihat putro bR^ihataH tanayAH trayaH |
ajamIDho dvimIDhaH cha puru-mIDhaH cha vIryavAn || 1-32-41
The son of vitatha and the grandson of bharata is suhotra who begot three sons namely, ajamIDha, dvi-mIDha and puru-mIDha...  
ajamIDhasya patnyaH tu tisro vai yashasAnvitAH |
nIlinI keshinI chaiva dhUminI cha varA~NganA || 1-32-42
ajamIDhasya keshinyAM jaj~ne jahnuH pratApavAn |
Ajahre yaH mahA-satraM sarva-medhaM mahA-makham || 1-32-43
ajamIDha has three glorious wives who are lady nIlini, lady keshini and lady dhUmini... of whom ajamIDha begot a son named jahnu through lady keshini... this jahnuperformed a great vedic ritual called sarva-medha...
This sarva-medha vedic ritual is higher than ashvamedha, and it will be performed when a king conquerors every bit of the earth. 
patilobhena yaM ga~NgA vinIta abhisasAra ha |
na ichChataH plAvayAmAsa tasya ga~NgA atha tatsadaH || 1-32-44
sa tayA plAvitaM dR^IShTvA yaj~na-vATaM paraMtapa |
jahnuH api abravIt ga~NgAM kruddho bharatasattama || 1-32-45
eSha te triShu lokeShu saMkShipya ApaH pibAmi aham |
asya ga~Nge avalepasya sadyaH phalam avApnuhi || 1-32-46
tataH pItAM mahAtmAno ga~NgAM dR^iShTvA maharShayaH |
upaninyuH mahAbhAgA duhitR^itvAya jAhnavIm || 1-32-47
When juhnu is performing sarva-medha ritual river ganga gently drifted towards him requesting him to marry her... but juhnu turned her proposals down... then she started to inundate his ritual ground... seeing the ritual ground flooded with the water of ganga, juhnu is enraged and spoke to river ganga, “I will toss off all your water gathering from all the three worlds whereby you will reap the fruit of your arrogance...” saying so juhnu drank all the water of ganga... seeing the arrest of the flow of ganga by way of juhnu’s drinking them, all the great sage have pacified juhnu, and brought ganga round as the daughter of juhnu, whereby ganga is termed as jahnavi...  
yuvanAshvasya putrIM tu kAverIM jahnuH Avahat |
ga~NgA shApena deha ardhaM yasyAH pashchAt nadI kR^itam || 1-32-48
juhnu took lady kAveri, the daughter of yuvanAshva, as his wife, whose half body is formed by ganga herself owing to a curse of ganga, and who ultimately became the legendary river kAveri...
jahnoH tu dayitaH putraH tu ajako nAma vIryavAn |
ajakasya tu dAyAdo balAkAshvo mahIpatiH || 1-32-49
babhUva mR^igayA-shIlaH kushikaH tasya cha AtmajaH |
pahlavaiH saha saMruddho rAjA vana charaiH tadA || 1-32-50
jahnu’s son is the mighty ajaka, and ajaka’s son is balAkAshva, whose son is kushika; this kushika is a game-lover and grew up with pahlava-s and other forest rangers...
kushikaH tu tapaH tepe putram indra samaM prabhuH |
labheyam iti taM shakraH trAsAt abhyetya jaj~nivAn || 1-32-51
kushika undertook hard austerities desiring to beget a son, a son coequal to indra. Then, indra scaring to have a selfsame opponent, came to plead with kushika about such an impossibility, but became the son of very same kushika...
sa gAdhiH abhavat rAjA maghavAn kaushikaH svayam |
vishvAmitraH tu gAdheyo rAjA vishvarathaH tadA || 1-32-52
vishvakR^it vishvajit chaiva tathA satyavatI nR^ipa |
R^ichIkAt jamadagniH tu satyavatyAm ajAyata || 1-32-53
indra, taking birth as the son of kushika, became king gAdhi, and the sons of this gAdhi are vishvAmitra, vishva-ratha, vishva-kR^it and vishva-jit, while his daughter is lady satyavati, and sage R^ichIka begot sage jamadagni on this lady satyavati...
vishvAmitrasya tu sutA devarAta AdayaH smR^itAH |
prakhyAtAH triShu lokeShu teShAM nAmAni me shR^iNu || 1-32-54
devarAta et al said to be the progeny of vishvAmitra who are famous in all the three worlds... listen to their names from me...
deva-shravAH katiH chaiva yasmAt kAtyAyanAH smR^itAH |
shAlAvatyA hiraNyAkSho reNoH jaj~ne.atha reNumAn || 1-32-55
deva-shrava and kati; kAtyAyana lineage, gotra, has come from this katihiraNyAkSha is begotten on lady shAlAvati and reNumanta on lady reNu
sA~NkR^ityo gAlavo rAjan maudgalyaH cha iti vishrutAH |
teShAM khyAtAni gotrANi kaushikAnAM mahAtmahAm || 1-32-56
sA~NkR^itya, gAlava, and maudgalya are the three well-known gotra-s, lineages, compositely famous as kaushika gotra, because they contract matrimonial alliances amongst themselves according to the distinction of presiding sages, Rishi antara vivAha...
pANino babhravaH chaiva dhyAna japyAH tathaiva cha |
pArthivA devarAtAH cha shAla~NkAyana saushravAH || 1-32-57
lauhityA  yAmadUtAH cha tathA kArIShayaH smR^itAH |
vishrutAH kaushikA rAjan tathA anye saindhavAyanAH || 1-32-58
R^iShi antara vivAhyAH cha kaushikA bahavaH smR^itAH |
Some among most famous kaushika-s are pANini, babhrava, dhyAna, japa, king devarAta, shAlaNkAyana, Saushrava, lauhita, yAma-dUta, like that kArIShaya et al...saindhavAyanA-s are another set... we hear that there are numerous intermarriages among the numerous lineages of kaushikA-s according to the difference of their gotra,pravara, i.e. presiding sages and descent etc...
pauravasya mahArAja brahma-R^iSheH kaushikasya ha || 1-32-59
saMbandho hi asya vaMshe asmin brahma kShatrasya vishrutaH |
Then, the connexion between puru dynasty and brahma-Rishi vishvamitra is evident and famous, and from that point forward there emerged numerous brAhmaNa-s and kshatriya-s...
vishvAmitra AtmajAnAM tu shunaHshepo.agrajaH smR^itaH || 1-32-60
bhArgavaH kaushikatvaM hi prAptaH sa munisattamaH |
Among the descendents of vishvamitra, sage shunaHshepa is to be counted as number one, since that ascetic is the best example for the transference from brAhmaNa-hood to kaushika-hood, rather kshatriya-hood...
devarAta AdayaH cha anye vishvAmitrasya vai sutAH || 1-32-61
dR^iShadvatI sutaH chApi vishvAmitrAt atha aShTakaH |
aShTakasya suto lauhiH prokto jahnu gaNo mayA || 1-32-62
vishvamitra had other sons too, devarAta and others... further, vishvamitra begot a son on lady dR^iShadvati whose name is aShTaka whose son is lauhi. So far I have described the progeny of kingly sage janhu...
AjamIDhaH aparaH vaMshaH shrUyatAM puruSharShabha |
ajamIDhasya nIlinyo sushAntiH udapadyata || 1-32-63
puru-jAtiH sushAnteH tu vAhyAshvaH purujAtitaH |
vAhyAshva tanayAH pa~ncha babhUvur amara upamAH || 1-32-64
mudgalaH sR^i~njayaH chaiva rAjA bR^ihadiShuH smR^itaH |
yavInaraH ca vikrAntaH kR^imila-ashvaH cha pa~nchamaH ||1-32-65
Now, hear of the other descendants of AjamIDha. He begot sushAnti on his wife nIlini. From sushAnti was born puru-jAti from whom vAhyAshva is born. The latter had five sons resembling the immortals. They were mudgala, sR^i~njaya, bR^ihad-iShuH, yavInara and the fifth one is the powerful kR^imila-ashva...
Other reading: sushAnti is termed as puru-hèti who begot bahu-ashva; with va ba yoH abhedaH, the above vAhyAshva will become bahvashva, whose sons are the above five.
pa~ncha ete rakShaNAyA alaM deshAnAm iti vishrutAH |
pa~nchAnAM viddhi pa~nchAlAn sphItaiH janapadaiH vR^ItAn || 1-32-66
alaM saMrakShaNaM teShAM pa~nchAlA iti vishrutAH |
These five have become the protective lords of the pa~ nchAla province consisting of prosperous villages and their province came to be called as pa~nchAla because their father asserted – p~ncha alam; five enough; meaning pa~nchAnAm deshAnAm rakshaNe alam; five of my sons are enough to protect the province...
mudgalasya tu dAyAdo maudgalyaH sumahAyashAH || 1-32-67
sarva ete mahAtmAnaH kShatra upetA dvijAtayaH |
ete hi a~NgirasaH pakShaM saMshritAH kaNva maudgalAH || 1-32-68
mudgala's progeny is called the highly illustrious maudgalyA-s, who are all noble, twice-born and abided by the duties of kshatriya-s... and these are called askANwa-maudgalyA-s as they took the side of a~Ngirasa...
maudgalsya suto jyeShTho brahmarShiH sumahAyashAH |
indraseno yato garbhaM vadhryashvaM pratyapadyata || 1-32-69
vadhyashvAt mithunaM jaj~ne menakAyAm iti shrutiH |
divodAsaH cha rAjarShiH ahalyA cha yashasvinI || 1-32-70
mudgala's eldest son is the highly illustrious brahma-saint, who through lady indra-sena, the daughter of nala, begot vadhyashva, vadhya ashva... vadhyashva begot twins on the celestial courtesan menaka... we have heard so... one of them is the royal saint divodasa and the other is the illustrious  lady ahalya...
sharadvatasya dAyAdam ahalyA samasUyata |
shatAnandam R^iShishreShThaM tasyApi sumahAyashAH || 1-32-71
putraH satya-dhR^itiH nAma dhanur-vedasya pAragaH |
This lady ahalya gave birth to the son of sharadvata, aka sage gautama... and this son of ahalya is a great ascetic called shatAnanda, whose son is satya-dhR^iti, an expert in the science of archery...
tasya satyadhR^ite reto dR^iShTvA apsarasam agrataH || 1-32-72
avaskannaM shara-staMbe mithunaM samapadyata |
kR^ipayA tat cha jagrAha shantanuH mR^igayAM gataH || 1-32-73
kR^ipaH smR^itaH sa vai tasmAt gautamI cha kR^ipI tathA |
ete shAradvatAH proktA ete te gautamAH smR^itAH || 1-32-74
Once an apsara lured this satyadhR^iti and he ran after her to bring her round, during which chase his seed fell on reeds of straw, wherefrom a boy and a girl have came up. At that very moment king shantanu is roaming thereabout in his hunting spree, caught sight of these twins, and took them to his palace... because that king has given shelter to the twins out of compassion, kR^ipa, the boy is named as kR^ipa, and the girl as kR^ipi... this girl is also known as gautami... so, this is about the offspring of shAradvata, aka sage gautama...   
ata UrdhvaM pravakShyAmi divodAsasya saMtatim |
divodAsasya dAyAdo brahmarShir mitrayuH nR^ipaH || 1-32-75
maitrAyaNaH tataH somo maitreyAH tu tataH smR^itAH |
ete hi saMshritAH pakShaM kShatra utpetAH tu bhArgavAH || 1-32-76
Next, I will speak about the progeny of divodasa... divodasa's son is the saintly king mitreyu; his son is maitrAyana; and his son is soma; this is maitreya vamshamaitreyastock... this lineage is that of brAhmaNa-s with the modus vivendi of kshatriya, because of their leaning towards bRhigu-s... bhRigu-vamsha-pakshapAta...
AsIt pa~nchajanaH putraH sR^i~njayasya mahAtmanaH |
sutaH pa~nchajanasya api somadatto mahIpatiH || 1-32-77
somadattasya dAyAdaH sahadevo mahAyashaH |
sahadeva sutaH chApi somako nAma pArthivaH || 1-32-78
ajamIDhAt punar jAtaH kShINa vaMshe tu somakaH |
somakasya suto jantuH yasya putra-shataM babhau || 1-32-79
The line from sR^i~njaya is: sR^i~njaya -->  pa~nchajana → somadatta → sahadeva → somaka, aka somadatta II; when the lineage of ajamIdha is dwindling, sahadeva’sfather somadatta took rebirth as the son of sahadeva, and sahadeva named him as somaka, instead of calling him with his father’s name, i.e. somadatta... and somaka’s son isjantu who later sublimated into a century of sons owing to a vedic ritual of somaka...
The episode of somaka and his Vedic ritual will be in vanaparva of mbh. Here ajamIDhAt = sahadevAt.
teShAM yavIyAn pR^iShataH drupadasya pitA  prabhuH |
dhR^iShTadyumnaH tu drupadAt dhR^iShTaketuH cha tat sutaH || 1-32-80
ajamIDhAH smR^itA hi ete mahAtmAnaH tu somakAH |
putrANAm ajamIDhasya somakatvaM mahAtmanaH || 1-32-81
Of the hundred sons of somaka, the youngest one is pR^iShata who is drupada's father. drupada's son is dhR^iShTadyumna whose son is dhR^iShTaketu... all the dynasts of ajamIDha are termed as somakA-s...
mahiShI tu ajamIDhasya dhUminI putra-gR^iddhinI |
tR^itIyA tava pUrveShAM jananI pR^ithivIpate || 1-32-82
And the third queen of ajamIDha, O, king janamejaya, named lady dhUmini, a mother much yearned for sons, is the progenitor of all your forefathers...
sA tu putra arthinI devI vrata-charyA samanvitA |
tato varSha AyutaM taptvA tapaH parama-dushcharam || 1-32-83
hutvA agniM vidhivat sA tu pavitra-mita-bhojanA |
agni-hotra kusheShu eva suShvApa janamejaya |
dhUminyA sa tayA devyA tu ajamIDhaH sameyivAn || 1-32-84
That lady, ever observant of vows, practised hard austerities for ten thousand years to beget a son... oh, janamejaya, she used to regularly kindle holy fire, offer oblations into it duly practising dietary discipline... she even used to repose on kusha-grass-mats near at fire-worship... at certain time ajamIDha met her when she is in such a hallowed atmosphere...
R^ikShaM sa~njanayAmAsa dhUma-varNaM su-darshanam |
R^ikShAt saMvaraNo jaj~ne kuruH saMvaraNAt tathA |
yaH prayAgAt atikramya kurukShetraM chakAra ha || 1-32-85
tat vai tat sa mahAbhAgo varShANi subahUni atha |
tapyamAne tadA shakro yatra asya varado babhau || 1-32-86
puNyaM cha ramaNIyaM cha puNya kR^itbhiH niShevitam |
tasya anvavAyaH sumahAn tasya nAmnA stha kauravAH || 1-32-87
Whereupon that lady gave birth to beautiful son named R^ikSha whose complexion resembled the smoke of ritual fire... later R^ikSha begot samvaraN, and samvaraNabegot kuru... this king kuru forsook the city prayAga as his capital, undertook asceticism for many years, obtained boon from indra, and built the pious and pleasant citykurukShetra, a resort for pious people... his dynasty is vast, and you all received your appellation of kauravA-s from him alone...
kuroH cha putrAH chatvAraH sudhanvA sudhanuH tathA |
parIkShit cha mahAbAhuH pravaraH cha arim-ejayaH || 1-32-88
King kuru had four sons, namely, sudhanva, sudhanu, the mighty armed parIkShit and pravara at whose name his enemies used to tremble...
sudhanvanaH tu dAyAdaH suhotro matimAn tataH |
chyavanaH tasya putraH tu rAjA dharma-artha-kovidaH || 1-32-89
chyavanAt kR^ita-yaj~naH tu iShTvA yaj~naH sa dharmavit |
vishrutaM janayAmAsa putram indra samaM nR^ipaH || 1-32-90
chaidya uparicharaM vIraM vasuM nAma antarikSha-gam |
sudhanvana’s son is the intelligent suhotra. His son is chyavana who is well-read in the Vedas and other scriptures. chyavana's son is kR^ita-yaj~na. Celebrating many sacrifices that pious king kR^ita-yaj~na begat a son equal to indra in glory. He is vasu, the king of chedi-s, who could range in the sky and move about in the air.
chaidya-uparicharAt jaj~ne girikA sapta mAnavAn || 1-32-91
mahAratho magadha-rAT vishruto yaH bR^ihadrathaH |
pratyagrahaH kushaH chaiva yam Ahur maNi-vAhanam || 1-32-92
mArutaH cha yaduH chaiva matsyaH kAlI cha sattamaH |
A celestial damsel named girika gave birth to seven human offspring of uparichara-vasu, the king of chedi... one of them is bR^ihadratha, who later became the king ofmagadha, and who is famous as a mighty chariot warrior; and the others are: pratyagrahakusha aka maNi-vAhanamArutayadusattama and to a lady named matsya-kAliaka matsya-gandhi, aka satyavati...
bR^ihadrathasya dAyAdaH kushAgro nAma vishrutaH || 1-32-93
kushAgrasya Atmajo vidvAn vR^iShabho nAma vIryavAn || 1-32-94
vR^iShabhasya tu dAyAdaH puShpavAn nAma dhArmikaH |
dAyAdaH tasya vikrAnto rAjA satyahitaH smR^itaH || 1-32-95
tasya putraH atha dharmAtmA nAmnA UrjaH tu jaj~nivAn |
Urjasya saMbhavaH putro yasya jaj~ne sa vIryavAn || 1-32-96
shakale dve sa vai jAto jarayA sandhitaH sa tu |
jarayA sandhito yasmAt jarAsandhaH tataH smR^itaH || 1-32 97
sarva kShatrasya jetA asau jarAsandho mahAbalaH |
The line of princes from bR^ihadratha is: bR^ihadratha → kushAgra → vR^iShabha → puShpavant → satyahita → Urja → saMbhava... this king sambhava begot a two-piece boy whom he discarded because of his ominous features... but when a demoness named jara adjoined those two pieces they became one boy, later renowned as the foremost conqueror of all kshatriya-s, namely jara-sandha, meaning that one who is joined by jara...
jarAsandhasya putro vai sahadevaH pratApavAn || 1-32-98
sahadeva AtmajaH  shrImAn udAyuH sa mahAyashAH |
udAyuH janayAmAsa putraM paramadhArmikam || 1-32-99
shruta-dharma iti nAmAnaM maghavAn yaH avasat vibhuH |
The line of princes from jarAsandha is: jarAsandha → sahadeva → udAyu → shruta-dharma who became the king of magadha province...
parIkShitaH tu dAyAdo dhArmiko janamejayaH || 1-32-100
janamejayasya dAyAdaH traya eva mahArathAH |
shrutasena ugrasenau cha bhImasenaH cha nAmataH || 1-32-101
ete sarve mahAbhAgA vikrAntA bala-shAlinaH |
King parIkShit begot janamejaya, who begot three mighty chariot warriors, namely shrutasena, ugrasena, and bhImasena...  all these are highly prosperous, powerful and brave people...
janamejayasya putrau tu suratho matimAn tathA || 1-32-102
surathasya tu vikrAntaH putro jaj~ne vidUrathaH |
vidUrathasya dAyAda R^ikSha eva mahArathaH || 1-32-103
dvitIyaH sa babhau rAjA nAmnA tena eva saMj~nitaH |
janamejaya’s sons are two, suratha and matimAn, and suratha’s son is the all-conquering vidUratha, whose son is R^ikSha... incidentally he is the second R^ikSha...
dvau R^ikShau tava vaMshe asmin dvau eva tu parIkShitau || 1-32-104
bhImasenAH trayo rAjan dvAveva janamejayau |
O king, there are two R^ikShA-s, two parIkShit-s, three bhIma-senA-s and two janamejayA-s in your dynasty...
R^ikShasya tu dvitIyasya bhImasenaH abhavat sutaH || 1-32-105
pratIpo bhImasenasya pratIpasya tu shantanuH |
devApiH bAhlikaH chaiva traya eva mahArathAH || 1-32-106
shantanoH prasavaH tu eSha yatra jAtaH asi pArthiva |
The son of R^ikSha II is bhIma-sena whose son is prtIpa. His sons are shantanudevApi and bAhlika who were alt mighty chariot-warriors... and you are the dynast of king shantanu...
bAhlikasya tu rAjyaM vai saptavAhyaM nareshvara || 1-32-107
bAhlikasya sutaH chaiva somadatto mahAyashAH |
jaj~nire somadattAt tu bhUriH bhUri-shravAH shalaH || 1-32-108
upAdhyAyaH tu devAnAM devApiH abhavat muniH |
chyavanasya kR^itaH putra iShTaH cha AsIt mahAtmanaH  || 1-32-109
bAhlika’s kingdom is called as sapta-vAhya, or sapta-bAhya; his son is somadatta whose sons are three: bhUri, bhUri-shrava and shalaka; devApi became the teacher of gods by becming the fabricated dear son of chyavana...
shantanuH tu abhavat rAjA kauravANAM dhurandharaH |
shantanoH saMpravakShyAmi  yatra jAto.asi pArthiva || 1-32-110
gA~NgaM devavrataM nAma putraM so.ajanayat prabhuH |
sa tu bhIShma iti khyAtaH pANDavAnAM pitAmahaH || 1-32-111
kAlI vichitravIryaM tu janayAmAsa bhArata |
shantanoH dayitaM putraM dharmAtmAnam akalmaSham || 1-32-112
shantanu became the foremost of the kuru kings. The family in which, O great king, you have been born is that of shantanu's dynasty. He begot a son named deva-vrata on lady ganga, who is celebrated by the name of bhIShma, the grand-father of the pANDavA-s... matsya-kali aka satyavati gave birth to vichitra-vIrya who is the most virtuous-souled and sinless son of king shantanu...
kR^iShNadvaipAyanaH chaiva kShetre vaichitravIryake |
dhR^itarAShTraM cha pANDuM cha viduraM cha api ajIjanat || 1-32-113
dhR^itarAShTraH cha gAndhAryAM putrAn utpAdayat shatam |
teShAM duryodhanaH shreShThaH sarveShAm eva sa prabhuH || 1-32-114
Sage kR^iShNadvaipAyana caused the births of dhR^itarAShTra, pANDu and vidura from the wife of vichitravirya... dhR^itarAShTra begot a hundred sons on ladygAndhAri, of whom duryodhana is the foremost one and the lord of all...
pANDoH dhana~njayaH putraH saubhadraH tasya cha AtmajaH |
abhimanyuH parIkShit tu pitA tava janeshvara || 1-32-115
pANDu's son is arjuna whose son is abhimanyu, mothered by lady subhadra... oh, king janamejaya, your father parIkShit is abhimanyu's son...
eSha te pauravo vaMsho yatra jAto.asi pArthiva |
turvasoH tu pravakShyAmi druhyoH cha anoH yadoH tathA || 1-32-116
O king, such is the account of yayAti’s dynast puru-lineage in which you have been born. I shall presently describe the families of turvasudrahyuanu and that of yadulikewise...
sutastu turvasoH vahniH vahneH gobhAnuH AtmajaH |
gobhAnoH tu suto rAjA traisAnuH aparAjitaH || 1-32-117
karandhamaH tu traisAnoH maruttaH tasya cha AtmajaH |
 anyaH tu AvIkShito rAjA maruttaH katithaH tava || 1-32-118
From turvasu it is → gobhAnu → traisanu --> karandhama → marutta... I have mentioned elsewhere about another marutta who was the son of avIkShita... he is different...
anapatyaH abhavat rAjA yajvA vipula dakShiNaH |
duhitA saMmatA nAma tasya AsIt pR^ithivIpate || 1-32-119
dakShiNa-arthaM sma vai dattA saMvartAya mahAtmane |
duShyantaM pauravaM chApi lebhe putram akalmaSham || 1-32-120
This king marutta, the son of karandhama, is sonless... so he performed vedic rituals involving priceless gifts... he has a daughter called damsel saMmata; this king gave her as a donation in the vedic ritual to samvarta, the Time-god, and obtained king duShyanta of puru race in return as putrika-putra, daughter’s son as his own son...
saMvartAya R^itvije dattA sati; saMvartena cha duShyanta pitro sughorAya dattaa sati; tasmAt duShyantam putram lebhe...
The son of Turvasu was Vahni; his son was Gobánu; his son was Traiśámba; his son was Karandhama; his son was Marutta. Marutta had no children, and he therefore adopted Dushyanta, of the family of Puru; 
evaM yayAteH shApena jara asaMkramaNe tadA |
pauravaM turvasoH vaMshaH pravivesha nR^ipottama || 1-32-121
In this way, oh best king, the dynasts of turvasu had to lean on puru dynasty owing to the malediction once denounced on his sons by king yayAti...
ata eva turvasoH vamshaH, pauravam vamsham pravivesha...  
....the line of Turvasu merged into that of Puru;This took place in consequence of the malediction denounced on his son by yayAti...
duShyantasya tu dAyAdAH karutthAmaH prajeshvaraH |
karutthAmAt tathA AkrIDaH chatvArastasya cha AtmajAH || 1-32-122
pANDyaH cha  keralaH chaiva kolaH cholaH cha pArthivaH
teShAM janapadAH sphItAH pANDyAshcholAH sa keralAH || 1-32-123
duShyanta’s son is the king karutthAma whose son is AkrIDa who had four sons namely pANDya, kerala, kola, and chola, and the prosperous provinces of pANDya, kerala, kola, and chola took their names after those princess...
duShyantasya shakuntalAyAm bharataH; anyasyAm bhAryAyAm karutthAma cha aasiit iti arthaH...
druhyoH cha tanayo rAjan babhruH setuH cha pArthivaH |
a~NgAra setuH tat putro marutAM patiH uchyate || 1-32-124
yauvanAshvena samare kR^ichChreNa nihato balI |
yuddhaM sumahat asya AsIt mAsAn pari chatur-dasha || 1-32-125
a~NgArasya tu dAyAdo gAndhAro nAma bhArata |
khyAyate tasya nAmnA vai gAndhAra viShayo mahAn || 1-32-126
gAndhAra-desha-jAH chaiva turagA vAjinAM varAH |
O king, drahyu's sons are babhru and setu, while setu's son is angAra who is said to be the lord of marut-s... this angAra-setu is slain at the hand of the son of mAndhAta, the son of yavanAshva in a battle conducted for fourteen months... angAra-setu’s dynasts are the famous gAndhAra people and the gAndhAra province came to limelight because of him, and the horses bred in this gAndhAra are the best...
angAra's son is gAndhAra who established gAndhAra province. Prior to this angAra is said to be a nomadic in desert lands, maru bhUmi-s, training nomadic fighters on horseback - turaga Aroha kushalAH, with whom he attacked mAndhAta and failed.
anoH tu putro dharmaH abhUt dhR^itaH tasya AtmajaH abhavat || 1-32-127
dhR^itAt tu duduhaH jaj~ne prachetAH tasya cha AtmajaH |
prachetasaH suchetAH tu kIrtitaH hi anavaH mayA || 1-32-128
Lineage of King anu is: anu → dharma → dhR^ita → duduha → pracheta → sucheta... thus, I have described the family of anu...
suchetasa has hundred sons; all the dynasts of anu have become non-confirmists of vedic canons - dharma virahitA-s; they became the lords of mlecCha provinces, and collectively called as mlecChA-s.
yadoH vaMshaM pravakShyAmi jyeShThasya uttama-tejasaH |
vistareNa AnupUrvyAt tu gadato me nishAmaya || 1-32-129
Now listen to me while I describe at length the most excellent and powerful family of yadu, the eldest son of yayAti...   
iti shrImahAbhArate khileShu harivaMshe harivaMshaparvaNi puruvaMsha anukIrtane dvAtriMsho.adhyAyaH
Thus, this is the thirty-second chapter of first canto called harivamsha-parva, in harivamsha-purANa, the sequel of mahAbhArata, narrating puru dynasty.