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<This page is from a resource already existing on the web, which is credited in the above reference link.>
chakravartI suto jaj~ne duShyantasya mahAtmanaH |
shakuntalAyAM bharato yasya nAmnA stha bhAratAH || 1-32-10
bharasva putraM duShyanta mA avamaMsthAH shakuntalAm |
retodhAH putra unnayati nara-deva yama-kShayAt || 1-32-12
tvaM cha asya dhAtA garbhasya satyam Aha shakuntalA |
bR^ihaspateH A~NgirasaH putro rAjan mahAmuniH |
saMkrAmito bharadvAjo marudbhiH R^itubhir vibhuH || 1-32-14
atra eva udAharanti imaM bharadvAjasya dhImataH |
dharma-saMkramaNaM chApi marudbhiH bharatAya vai || 1-32-15
tataH atha vitatho nAma bharadvAja sutaH abhavat |
tataH atha vitathe jAte bharataH tu divaM yayau || 1-32-17
vitathaM cha abhiShichya atha bharadvAjo vanaM yayau |
kapilaM cha mahAtmAnaM suhotrasya suta dvayam || 1-32-19
kAshikaH cha mahA-sattvaH tathA gR^itsamatiH nR^ipaH |
tathA gR^itsamateH putrA brAhmaNaH kShatriyA vishaH || 1-32-20
dhanvantareH tu tanayaH ketumAn iti vishrutaH |
atha ketumataH putro vIro bhImaratho nR^ipa || 1-32-22
suto bhImarathasya AsIt divodAsaH prajeshvaraH |
divodAsa iti khyAtaH sarva-rakSho-vinAshanaH || 1-32-23
shaptA hi sA matimatA nikumbhena mahAtmanA |
shUnyA varSha-sahasraM vai bhavitri iti narAdhipa || 1-32-24
bhadrashreNyasya putrANAM shatam uttama dhanvinAm |
hatvA niveshayAmAsa divodAsaH prajeshvaraH || 1-32-27
alarko rAja-putraH tu rAjA sannatimAn bhuvi |
bhadrashreNyasya putreNa durdamena mahAtmanA |
divodAsena bAla iti ghR^iNayA parivarjitaH || 1-32-30
vairasya-antaM mahArAja kShatriyeNa vidhitsatA |
kShemyasya ketumAn putro varShaketuH tato.abhavat |
varShaketoH tu dAyAdo vibhuH nAma prajeshvaraH || 1-32-37
AnartaH tu vibhoH putraH sukumAraH tato.abhavat |
putraH tu sukumArasya satyaketuH mahArathaH || 1-32-38
tato.abhavan mahAtejA rAjA paramadhArmikaH |
vatsasya vatsa-bhUmiH tu bhArga-bhUmiH tu bhArgavAt || 1-32-39
ete tu a~NgirasaH putrA jAtA vaMshe.atha bhArgave |
brAhmaNAH kShatriyA vaishyAH shUdrAshcha bharatarShabha ||1-32-40
<This page is from a resource already existing on the web, which is credited in the above reference link.>
mahAbhAratamtasya khila bhAhoharivamshamharivamsha parva |
vaishampAyana uvAca— vaishampAyana continued:
anAdhR^iShyaH tu rAjarShir R^icheyuH cha eka-rAT smR^itaH |
R^icheyor jvalanA nAma bhAryA vai takShaka AtmajA || 1-32-1
tasyAM sa devyAM rAjarShir matinAro mahIpatiH |
matinAraH sutAH cha Asan trayaH parama-dhArmikAH || 1-32-2
taMsuH AdyaH prati-rathaH subAhuH chaiva dhArmikaH |
gaurI kanyA cha vikhyAtA mAndhAtR^i jananI shubhA || 1-32-3
sarve veda-vidaH tatra brahmaNyAH satya-vAdinaH |
sarve kR^ita-astrA balinaH sarve yuddha-vishAradAH || 1-32-4
R^icheyor jvalanA nAma bhAryA vai takShaka AtmajA || 1-32-1
tasyAM sa devyAM rAjarShir matinAro mahIpatiH |
matinAraH sutAH cha Asan trayaH parama-dhArmikAH || 1-32-2
taMsuH AdyaH prati-rathaH subAhuH chaiva dhArmikaH |
gaurI kanyA cha vikhyAtA mAndhAtR^i jananI shubhA || 1-32-3
sarve veda-vidaH tatra brahmaNyAH satya-vAdinaH |
sarve kR^ita-astrA balinaH sarve yuddha-vishAradAH || 1-32-4
It is said that the sagely king Richeyu is an invincible and unique king who married lady jvalana, the daughter of takshaka, and that kingly saint begot through her a prince called matinAra, aka mati-nAtha... and this matinAra begot three sons and a daughter; sons are taMsu, prati-ratha, and subAhu, who are all well-read in the Vedas, conversant with the knowledge of brahman, truthful, well-versed in the use of arms, powerful and skilful in warfare... and the daughter of mati-nAra is called gauri... this gauri is the mother of mAndhAta...
putraH prati-rathasya AsIt kaNvaH samabhavat nR^ipaH |
medhAtithiH sutaH tasya yasmAt kANvAyanA dvijAH || 1-32-5
medhAtithiH sutaH tasya yasmAt kANvAyanA dvijAH || 1-32-5
O king, prati-ratha's son is king kaNwa whose son is medhatithi from whom a line of brAhmaNa-s called kANvAyana-s, kANva-shAkha has come...
IlinI bhUpa yasya AsIt kanyA vai janamejaya |
brahma-vAdinya adhi strIM cha taMsuH tAm abhyagachChata || 1-32-6
brahma-vAdinya adhi strIM cha taMsuH tAm abhyagachChata || 1-32-6
Whose daughter is lady Ilini, that king Ilina is an outstanding one among all the brahma-devouts, and king taMsu married such a lady namely Ilini...
In some mms this name is written as lady Ila which is incorrect. - nk
taMsoH surodho rAjarShir dharma-netro mahAyashAH |
brahma-vAdI para-AkrAntaH tasya bhArya upadAnavI || 1-32-7King taMsu begot a sagely king surodha who is valorous and righteous as well, and who by his righteous deeds is also known by another name dharma-netra, and who took lady upadAnavi as his wife...
upadAnavI sutAn lebhe chaturaH tu Ilika-AtmajAn |
duShyantam atha suShmantaM pravIram anaghaM tathA || 1-32-8Lady upadAnavi begot four sons through the son of lady Ilini, aka surodha, aka dharma-netra, who are duShyanta, suShmanta, pravIra and anagha...
duShyantasya tu dAyAdo bharato nAma vIryavAn |
sa sarva-damano nAma nAga-Ayuta balo mahAn || 1-32-9chakravartI suto jaj~ne duShyantasya mahAtmanaH |
shakuntalAyAM bharato yasya nAmnA stha bhAratAH || 1-32-10
duShyanta’s son is the valiant bharata, who in his childhood was called as sarva-damana, and who is said to have the strength of a thousand elephants... duShyanta begot this emperor son bharata through lady shakuntala, and oh, janamejaya, you all are being called bharatA-s only after him...
duShyantaM prati rAjAnaM vAk uvAcha asharIriNI |
mAtA bhastrA pituH putro yena jAtaH sa eva saH || 1-32-11bharasva putraM duShyanta mA avamaMsthAH shakuntalAm |
retodhAH putra unnayati nara-deva yama-kShayAt || 1-32-12
tvaM cha asya dhAtA garbhasya satyam Aha shakuntalA |
When duShyanta rejected lady shakuntala as his wife, then a formless entity spoke from firmament:
'The mother is but the sheath of flesh; the son sprung from the father is the father himself. Therefore, O Dushmanta, cherish thy son, and insult not Sakuntala. O best of men, the son, who is but a form of one's own seed, rescueth (ancestors) from the region of Yama. Thou art the progenitor of this boy. Sakuntala hath spoken the truth... [mbh, Adi, KMG]
bhastrA = leathern case.
bharatasya vinaShTeShu tanayeShu mahIpateH || 1-32-13
mAtR^INAM tAta kopena mayA te katithaM purA |bR^ihaspateH A~NgirasaH putro rAjan mahAmuniH |
saMkrAmito bharadvAjo marudbhiH R^itubhir vibhuH || 1-32-14
atra eva udAharanti imaM bharadvAjasya dhImataH |
dharma-saMkramaNaM chApi marudbhiH bharatAya vai || 1-32-15
I have already said about the perish of all the sons of bharata as a result of the anger of their mothers, while I was narrating Adi parva of mahAbhArata, isn’t it... that being so, there is a great sage bharadvAja... this bharadvAja emerged as the son of BRihaspati, where BRihaspati himself is the son of ANgirasa, when BRihaspati performed a vedic ritual aiming at marut-gaNA-s, the wind-gods... when emperor Bharata is rendered childless there occurred an imbroglio of dharma insofar as the futurity of his lineage... then this BharadvAja became the son of Bharata at the behest of marud-gaNA-s... this is an often cited episode, so let us skip it here...
ayojayat bharadvAjo marudbhiH kratubhiH hitam |
pUrvaM tu vitathe tasya kR^ite vai putra janmani || 1-32-16tataH atha vitatho nAma bharadvAja sutaH abhavat |
tataH atha vitathe jAte bharataH tu divaM yayau || 1-32-17
vitathaM cha abhiShichya atha bharadvAjo vanaM yayau |
Later when bharadvAja conducted a vedic ritual aiming at marut-gaNA-s to coalesce bharata’s futurity with the grace of marut-gaNA-s, then a son named vitatha has emerged... because bharadvAja sired this prince vitatha, though not biogenetically, but by his yogic power, this newly emerged prince vi-tatha, meaning unsuch, not such, is called as the son of bharadvAja... then, perceiving the continuity of his lineage in his grandson vitatha through the spiritual effort of his so-called son sage bharadvAja, emperor bharata left for heaven... consequently sage bharadvAja too left for woods anointing this vitatha as king, as a true acetic uninterested in kingdoms or descendants, and as his role of a viaduct is finished...
sa rAjA vitathaH putrA~n janayAmAsa pa~ncha vai || 1-32-18
suhotraM cha suhotAraM gayaM gargaM tathaiva cha |kapilaM cha mahAtmAnaM suhotrasya suta dvayam || 1-32-19
kAshikaH cha mahA-sattvaH tathA gR^itsamatiH nR^ipaH |
tathA gR^itsamateH putrA brAhmaNaH kShatriyA vishaH || 1-32-20
Then king vitatha begot five sons called: Suhotra, SuhotAra, Gaya, Garga, and Kapila... later king suhotra begot two sons named KAshika and GRitsamati, where the progeny of GRitsamati became many BrAhmaNa-s, Kshatriya-s, Vaishya-s etc...
kAshikasya tu kAsheyaH putro dIrghatapAH tathA |
babhUva dIrghatapaso vidvAn dhanvantariH sutaH || 1-32—21dhanvantareH tu tanayaH ketumAn iti vishrutaH |
atha ketumataH putro vIro bhImaratho nR^ipa || 1-32-22
suto bhImarathasya AsIt divodAsaH prajeshvaraH |
divodAsa iti khyAtaH sarva-rakSho-vinAshanaH || 1-32-23
The lineage of king kAshika who ruled the kAsheya province is like this: kAshika --> dIrgha-tapa → dhanvantari → ketumAn → bhIma-ratha → divodAsa; this divodAsa is reputed for elimination of all the rAkshasa-s...
etasmin eva kAle tu purIM vArANasIM nR^ipa |
shUnyAM niveshayAmAsa kShemako nama rAkShasaH |shaptA hi sA matimatA nikumbhena mahAtmanA |
shUnyA varSha-sahasraM vai bhavitri iti narAdhipa || 1-32-24
At this time, O king, depopulated by a rAkshasa named kShemaka, and cursed by the follower of god shiva, namely nikuMbha, the city of vAraNAsi had to remain uninhabited for one thousand years...
tasyAM tu shaptamAtrAyAM divodAsaH prajeshvaraH |
viShaya ante purIM ramyAM gomatyAM saMnyaveshayat || 1-32-25As soon as this curse is pronounced against the city of vAraNAsi its king divodasa laid a most beautiful city on the riverbank of gomati at the fringes of his kingdom...
bhadrashreNyasya pUrvaM tu purI vArANasI bhavat |
yadu-vaMsha-prasUtasya tapasyabhiratasya cha || 1-32-26bhadrashreNyasya putrANAM shatam uttama dhanvinAm |
hatvA niveshayAmAsa divodAsaH prajeshvaraH || 1-32-27
Formerly the city vAraNAsi was in the possession of the ascetic king bhadrashreNya born in the race of yadu-s. But this king divodasa redeemed this kingdom on eliminating the hundred sons of bhadrashreNya who were all excellent bowmen...
divodAsasya putraH tu vIro rAjA pratardanaH |
pratardanasya putrau dvau vatso bhArgaH tathaiva cha || 1-32-28alarko rAja-putraH tu rAjA sannatimAn bhuvi |
The heroic king pratardana is divodAsa's son who had two sons, namely vatsa and bharga, and alarka is a descendant of vatsa... sannatiman is a descendant of alarka...
haihayasya tu dAyAdyaM hR^itavAn vai mahIpatiH || 1-32-29
Ajahre pitR^I-dAyAdyaM divodAsa hR^itaM balAt |bhadrashreNyasya putreNa durdamena mahAtmanA |
divodAsena bAla iti ghR^iNayA parivarjitaH || 1-32-30
kAsheya province with vAraNAsi as its capital originally belonged to bhadrashreNya of haihaya lineage and king divodAsa usurped it... but, prince durdama, the last son ofbhadrashreNya, recaptured it from divodAsa when he came of age...when divodAsa eliminated the hundred sons of bhadrashreNya, he sympathetically left this last one durdamaout because he was a boy then...
aShTAratho nAma nR^ipaH suto bhImarathasya vai|
tena putreShu bAleShu prahR^itaM tasya bhArata || 1-32-31vairasya-antaM mahArAja kShatriyeNa vidhitsatA |
aShTAratha, aka pratardana, is the son of bhImaratha, aka divodAsa; because the hundred sons of bhadrashreNya have once eliminated every youngling while capturingkAsheya province, divodAsa made this pratardana to retaliate in the same way while recapturing kAshi from bhadrashreNya’s clansmen, and thus he has put an end to ancestral hostilities as a true kshatriya...
aSTharatha pratardana; bhImarathasyeti divodAsasya visheShaNam.
alarkaH kAshi-rAjaH tu brahmaNyaH satyasa~NgaraH || 1-32-32
ShaShTi-varSha-sahasrANi ShaShTi-varSha-shatAni cha |
tasya AsIt su-mahad-rAjyaM rUpa-yauvana-shAlinaH || 1-32-33
yuvA rUpeNa saMpanna AsIt kAshi kula udvahaH |
lopAmudrA prasAdena parama Ayur avApa saH || 1-32-34
vayaso.ante mahAbAhur hatvA kShemaka rAkShasam |
shUnyAM niveshayAmAsa purIM vArANasIM nR^ipa || 1-32-35
ShaShTi-varSha-sahasrANi ShaShTi-varSha-shatAni cha |
tasya AsIt su-mahad-rAjyaM rUpa-yauvana-shAlinaH || 1-32-33
yuvA rUpeNa saMpanna AsIt kAshi kula udvahaH |
lopAmudrA prasAdena parama Ayur avApa saH || 1-32-34
vayaso.ante mahAbAhur hatvA kShemaka rAkShasam |
shUnyAM niveshayAmAsa purIM vArANasIM nR^ipa || 1-32-35
Later, the devotee of brahma and a truthful one, prince alarka, the grandson of pratardana, became the king of kAshi... endowed with the grace of lady lopAmudra, his charm, youthfulness and longevity are maintained; his ruling capacity of the expansive kingdom of kAshi for six-thousand-six-hundred years is achieved; repopulating the uninhabited kAshi by eliminating the demon called kShemaka at the end of accurst period is accomplished...
alarkasya tu dAyAdaH sunItho nAma pArthivaH |
sunIthasya tu dAyAdaH kShemyo nAma mahAyashAH || 1-32-36kShemyasya ketumAn putro varShaketuH tato.abhavat |
varShaketoH tu dAyAdo vibhuH nAma prajeshvaraH || 1-32-37
AnartaH tu vibhoH putraH sukumAraH tato.abhavat |
putraH tu sukumArasya satyaketuH mahArathaH || 1-32-38
tato.abhavan mahAtejA rAjA paramadhArmikaH |
vatsasya vatsa-bhUmiH tu bhArga-bhUmiH tu bhArgavAt || 1-32-39
ete tu a~NgirasaH putrA jAtA vaMshe.atha bhArgave |
brAhmaNAH kShatriyA vaishyAH shUdrAshcha bharatarShabha ||1-32-40
The heroic king pratardana is divodAsa's son who had two sons, namely vatsa and bharga, and alarka is a descendant of vatsa... the lineage of princes from alarka is like this: alarka → sunItha → kShemya → ketumanta → varShaketu → vibhu → Anarta → sukumAra → satyaketu... vatsa’s province is called vatsa-bhUmi, and bharga’s provincebharga-bhUmi... these all are the offshoots of a~NgirasA-s, hence they are also called bhArgavA-s... from them there emerged many brAhmaNA-s, kShatriyA-s, vaishyA-s and shUdrA-s...
suhotrasya bR^ihat putro bR^ihataH tanayAH trayaH |
ajamIDho dvimIDhaH cha puru-mIDhaH cha vIryavAn || 1-32-41
ajamIDho dvimIDhaH cha puru-mIDhaH cha vIryavAn || 1-32-41
The son of vitatha and the grandson of bharata is suhotra who begot three sons namely, ajamIDha, dvi-mIDha and puru-mIDha...
ajamIDhasya patnyaH tu tisro vai yashasAnvitAH |
nIlinI keshinI chaiva dhUminI cha varA~NganA || 1-32-42
ajamIDhasya keshinyAM jaj~ne jahnuH pratApavAn |
Ajahre yaH mahA-satraM sarva-medhaM mahA-makham || 1-32-43
nIlinI keshinI chaiva dhUminI cha varA~NganA || 1-32-42
ajamIDhasya keshinyAM jaj~ne jahnuH pratApavAn |
Ajahre yaH mahA-satraM sarva-medhaM mahA-makham || 1-32-43
ajamIDha has three glorious wives who are lady nIlini, lady keshini and lady dhUmini... of whom ajamIDha begot a son named jahnu through lady keshini... this jahnuperformed a great vedic ritual called sarva-medha...
This sarva-medha vedic ritual is higher than ashvamedha, and it will be performed when a king conquerors every bit of the earth.
patilobhena yaM ga~NgA vinIta abhisasAra ha |
na ichChataH plAvayAmAsa tasya ga~NgA atha tatsadaH || 1-32-44
sa tayA plAvitaM dR^IShTvA yaj~na-vATaM paraMtapa |
jahnuH api abravIt ga~NgAM kruddho bharatasattama || 1-32-45
eSha te triShu lokeShu saMkShipya ApaH pibAmi aham |
asya ga~Nge avalepasya sadyaH phalam avApnuhi || 1-32-46
tataH pItAM mahAtmAno ga~NgAM dR^iShTvA maharShayaH |
upaninyuH mahAbhAgA duhitR^itvAya jAhnavIm || 1-32-47
na ichChataH plAvayAmAsa tasya ga~NgA atha tatsadaH || 1-32-44
sa tayA plAvitaM dR^IShTvA yaj~na-vATaM paraMtapa |
jahnuH api abravIt ga~NgAM kruddho bharatasattama || 1-32-45
eSha te triShu lokeShu saMkShipya ApaH pibAmi aham |
asya ga~Nge avalepasya sadyaH phalam avApnuhi || 1-32-46
tataH pItAM mahAtmAno ga~NgAM dR^iShTvA maharShayaH |
upaninyuH mahAbhAgA duhitR^itvAya jAhnavIm || 1-32-47
When juhnu is performing sarva-medha ritual river ganga gently drifted towards him requesting him to marry her... but juhnu turned her proposals down... then she started to inundate his ritual ground... seeing the ritual ground flooded with the water of ganga, juhnu is enraged and spoke to river ganga, “I will toss off all your water gathering from all the three worlds whereby you will reap the fruit of your arrogance...” saying so juhnu drank all the water of ganga... seeing the arrest of the flow of ganga by way of juhnu’s drinking them, all the great sage have pacified juhnu, and brought ganga round as the daughter of juhnu, whereby ganga is termed as jahnavi...
yuvanAshvasya putrIM tu kAverIM jahnuH Avahat |
ga~NgA shApena deha ardhaM yasyAH pashchAt nadI kR^itam || 1-32-48
ga~NgA shApena deha ardhaM yasyAH pashchAt nadI kR^itam || 1-32-48
juhnu took lady kAveri, the daughter of yuvanAshva, as his wife, whose half body is formed by ganga herself owing to a curse of ganga, and who ultimately became the legendary river kAveri...
jahnoH tu dayitaH putraH tu ajako nAma vIryavAn |
ajakasya tu dAyAdo balAkAshvo mahIpatiH || 1-32-49
babhUva mR^igayA-shIlaH kushikaH tasya cha AtmajaH |
pahlavaiH saha saMruddho rAjA vana charaiH tadA || 1-32-50
ajakasya tu dAyAdo balAkAshvo mahIpatiH || 1-32-49
babhUva mR^igayA-shIlaH kushikaH tasya cha AtmajaH |
pahlavaiH saha saMruddho rAjA vana charaiH tadA || 1-32-50
jahnu’s son is the mighty ajaka, and ajaka’s son is balAkAshva, whose son is kushika; this kushika is a game-lover and grew up with pahlava-s and other forest rangers...
kushikaH tu tapaH tepe putram indra samaM prabhuH |
labheyam iti taM shakraH trAsAt abhyetya jaj~nivAn || 1-32-51
labheyam iti taM shakraH trAsAt abhyetya jaj~nivAn || 1-32-51
kushika undertook hard austerities desiring to beget a son, a son coequal to indra. Then, indra scaring to have a selfsame opponent, came to plead with kushika about such an impossibility, but became the son of very same kushika...
sa gAdhiH abhavat rAjA maghavAn kaushikaH svayam |
vishvAmitraH tu gAdheyo rAjA vishvarathaH tadA || 1-32-52
vishvakR^it vishvajit chaiva tathA satyavatI nR^ipa |
R^ichIkAt jamadagniH tu satyavatyAm ajAyata || 1-32-53
vishvAmitraH tu gAdheyo rAjA vishvarathaH tadA || 1-32-52
vishvakR^it vishvajit chaiva tathA satyavatI nR^ipa |
R^ichIkAt jamadagniH tu satyavatyAm ajAyata || 1-32-53
indra, taking birth as the son of kushika, became king gAdhi, and the sons of this gAdhi are vishvAmitra, vishva-ratha, vishva-kR^it and vishva-jit, while his daughter is lady satyavati, and sage R^ichIka begot sage jamadagni on this lady satyavati...
vishvAmitrasya tu sutA devarAta AdayaH smR^itAH |
prakhyAtAH triShu lokeShu teShAM nAmAni me shR^iNu || 1-32-54devarAta et al said to be the progeny of vishvAmitra who are famous in all the three worlds... listen to their names from me...
deva-shravAH katiH chaiva yasmAt kAtyAyanAH smR^itAH |
shAlAvatyA hiraNyAkSho reNoH jaj~ne.atha reNumAn || 1-32-55
shAlAvatyA hiraNyAkSho reNoH jaj~ne.atha reNumAn || 1-32-55
deva-shrava and kati; kAtyAyana lineage, gotra, has come from this kati; hiraNyAkSha is begotten on lady shAlAvati and reNumanta on lady reNu
sA~NkR^ityo gAlavo rAjan maudgalyaH cha iti vishrutAH |
teShAM khyAtAni gotrANi kaushikAnAM mahAtmahAm || 1-32-56
teShAM khyAtAni gotrANi kaushikAnAM mahAtmahAm || 1-32-56
sA~NkR^itya, gAlava, and maudgalya are the three well-known gotra-s, lineages, compositely famous as kaushika gotra, because they contract matrimonial alliances amongst themselves according to the distinction of presiding sages, Rishi antara vivAha...
pANino babhravaH chaiva dhyAna japyAH tathaiva cha |
pArthivA devarAtAH cha shAla~NkAyana saushravAH || 1-32-57
lauhityA yAmadUtAH cha tathA kArIShayaH smR^itAH |
vishrutAH kaushikA rAjan tathA anye saindhavAyanAH || 1-32-58
R^iShi antara vivAhyAH cha kaushikA bahavaH smR^itAH |
pArthivA devarAtAH cha shAla~NkAyana saushravAH || 1-32-57
lauhityA yAmadUtAH cha tathA kArIShayaH smR^itAH |
vishrutAH kaushikA rAjan tathA anye saindhavAyanAH || 1-32-58
R^iShi antara vivAhyAH cha kaushikA bahavaH smR^itAH |
Some among most famous kaushika-s are pANini, babhrava, dhyAna, japa, king devarAta, shAlaNkAyana, Saushrava, lauhita, yAma-dUta, like that kArIShaya et al...saindhavAyanA-s are another set... we hear that there are numerous intermarriages among the numerous lineages of kaushikA-s according to the difference of their gotra,pravara, i.e. presiding sages and descent etc...
pauravasya mahArAja brahma-R^iSheH kaushikasya ha || 1-32-59
saMbandho hi asya vaMshe asmin brahma kShatrasya vishrutaH |
saMbandho hi asya vaMshe asmin brahma kShatrasya vishrutaH |
Then, the connexion between puru dynasty and brahma-Rishi vishvamitra is evident and famous, and from that point forward there emerged numerous brAhmaNa-s and kshatriya-s...
vishvAmitra AtmajAnAM tu shunaHshepo.agrajaH smR^itaH || 1-32-60
bhArgavaH kaushikatvaM hi prAptaH sa munisattamaH |
bhArgavaH kaushikatvaM hi prAptaH sa munisattamaH |
Among the descendents of vishvamitra, sage shunaHshepa is to be counted as number one, since that ascetic is the best example for the transference from brAhmaNa-hood to kaushika-hood, rather kshatriya-hood...
devarAta AdayaH cha anye vishvAmitrasya vai sutAH || 1-32-61
dR^iShadvatI sutaH chApi vishvAmitrAt atha aShTakaH |
aShTakasya suto lauhiH prokto jahnu gaNo mayA || 1-32-62
dR^iShadvatI sutaH chApi vishvAmitrAt atha aShTakaH |
aShTakasya suto lauhiH prokto jahnu gaNo mayA || 1-32-62
vishvamitra had other sons too, devarAta and others... further, vishvamitra begot a son on lady dR^iShadvati whose name is aShTaka whose son is lauhi. So far I have described the progeny of kingly sage janhu...
AjamIDhaH aparaH vaMshaH shrUyatAM puruSharShabha |
ajamIDhasya nIlinyo sushAntiH udapadyata || 1-32-63
puru-jAtiH sushAnteH tu vAhyAshvaH purujAtitaH |
vAhyAshva tanayAH pa~ncha babhUvur amara upamAH || 1-32-64
mudgalaH sR^i~njayaH chaiva rAjA bR^ihadiShuH smR^itaH |
yavInaraH ca vikrAntaH kR^imila-ashvaH cha pa~nchamaH ||1-32-65
ajamIDhasya nIlinyo sushAntiH udapadyata || 1-32-63
puru-jAtiH sushAnteH tu vAhyAshvaH purujAtitaH |
vAhyAshva tanayAH pa~ncha babhUvur amara upamAH || 1-32-64
mudgalaH sR^i~njayaH chaiva rAjA bR^ihadiShuH smR^itaH |
yavInaraH ca vikrAntaH kR^imila-ashvaH cha pa~nchamaH ||1-32-65
Now, hear of the other descendants of AjamIDha. He begot sushAnti on his wife nIlini. From sushAnti was born puru-jAti from whom vAhyAshva is born. The latter had five sons resembling the immortals. They were mudgala, sR^i~njaya, bR^ihad-iShuH, yavInara and the fifth one is the powerful kR^imila-ashva...
Other reading: sushAnti is termed as puru-hèti who begot bahu-ashva; with va ba yoH abhedaH, the above vAhyAshva will become bahvashva, whose sons are the above five.
pa~ncha ete rakShaNAyA alaM deshAnAm iti vishrutAH |
pa~nchAnAM viddhi pa~nchAlAn sphItaiH janapadaiH vR^ItAn || 1-32-66
alaM saMrakShaNaM teShAM pa~nchAlA iti vishrutAH |
pa~nchAnAM viddhi pa~nchAlAn sphItaiH janapadaiH vR^ItAn || 1-32-66
alaM saMrakShaNaM teShAM pa~nchAlA iti vishrutAH |
These five have become the protective lords of the pa~ nchAla province consisting of prosperous villages and their province came to be called as pa~nchAla because their father asserted – p~ncha alam; five enough; meaning pa~nchAnAm deshAnAm rakshaNe alam; five of my sons are enough to protect the province...
mudgalasya tu dAyAdo maudgalyaH sumahAyashAH || 1-32-67
sarva ete mahAtmAnaH kShatra upetA dvijAtayaH |
ete hi a~NgirasaH pakShaM saMshritAH kaNva maudgalAH || 1-32-68
sarva ete mahAtmAnaH kShatra upetA dvijAtayaH |
ete hi a~NgirasaH pakShaM saMshritAH kaNva maudgalAH || 1-32-68
mudgala's progeny is called the highly illustrious maudgalyA-s, who are all noble, twice-born and abided by the duties of kshatriya-s... and these are called askANwa-maudgalyA-s as they took the side of a~Ngirasa...
maudgalsya suto jyeShTho brahmarShiH sumahAyashAH |
indraseno yato garbhaM vadhryashvaM pratyapadyata || 1-32-69
vadhyashvAt mithunaM jaj~ne menakAyAm iti shrutiH |
divodAsaH cha rAjarShiH ahalyA cha yashasvinI || 1-32-70
indraseno yato garbhaM vadhryashvaM pratyapadyata || 1-32-69
vadhyashvAt mithunaM jaj~ne menakAyAm iti shrutiH |
divodAsaH cha rAjarShiH ahalyA cha yashasvinI || 1-32-70
mudgala's eldest son is the highly illustrious brahma-saint, who through lady indra-sena, the daughter of nala, begot vadhyashva, vadhya ashva... vadhyashva begot twins on the celestial courtesan menaka... we have heard so... one of them is the royal saint divodasa and the other is the illustrious lady ahalya...
sharadvatasya dAyAdam ahalyA samasUyata |
shatAnandam R^iShishreShThaM tasyApi sumahAyashAH || 1-32-71
putraH satya-dhR^itiH nAma dhanur-vedasya pAragaH |
shatAnandam R^iShishreShThaM tasyApi sumahAyashAH || 1-32-71
putraH satya-dhR^itiH nAma dhanur-vedasya pAragaH |
This lady ahalya gave birth to the son of sharadvata, aka sage gautama... and this son of ahalya is a great ascetic called shatAnanda, whose son is satya-dhR^iti, an expert in the science of archery...
tasya satyadhR^ite reto dR^iShTvA apsarasam agrataH || 1-32-72
avaskannaM shara-staMbe mithunaM samapadyata |
kR^ipayA tat cha jagrAha shantanuH mR^igayAM gataH || 1-32-73
kR^ipaH smR^itaH sa vai tasmAt gautamI cha kR^ipI tathA |
ete shAradvatAH proktA ete te gautamAH smR^itAH || 1-32-74
avaskannaM shara-staMbe mithunaM samapadyata |
kR^ipayA tat cha jagrAha shantanuH mR^igayAM gataH || 1-32-73
kR^ipaH smR^itaH sa vai tasmAt gautamI cha kR^ipI tathA |
ete shAradvatAH proktA ete te gautamAH smR^itAH || 1-32-74
Once an apsara lured this satyadhR^iti and he ran after her to bring her round, during which chase his seed fell on reeds of straw, wherefrom a boy and a girl have came up. At that very moment king shantanu is roaming thereabout in his hunting spree, caught sight of these twins, and took them to his palace... because that king has given shelter to the twins out of compassion, kR^ipa, the boy is named as kR^ipa, and the girl as kR^ipi... this girl is also known as gautami... so, this is about the offspring of shAradvata, aka sage gautama...
ata UrdhvaM pravakShyAmi divodAsasya saMtatim |
divodAsasya dAyAdo brahmarShir mitrayuH nR^ipaH || 1-32-75
maitrAyaNaH tataH somo maitreyAH tu tataH smR^itAH |
ete hi saMshritAH pakShaM kShatra utpetAH tu bhArgavAH || 1-32-76
divodAsasya dAyAdo brahmarShir mitrayuH nR^ipaH || 1-32-75
maitrAyaNaH tataH somo maitreyAH tu tataH smR^itAH |
ete hi saMshritAH pakShaM kShatra utpetAH tu bhArgavAH || 1-32-76
Next, I will speak about the progeny of divodasa... divodasa's son is the saintly king mitreyu; his son is maitrAyana; and his son is soma; this is maitreya vamsha, maitreyastock... this lineage is that of brAhmaNa-s with the modus vivendi of kshatriya, because of their leaning towards bRhigu-s... bhRigu-vamsha-pakshapAta...
AsIt pa~nchajanaH putraH sR^i~njayasya mahAtmanaH |
sutaH pa~nchajanasya api somadatto mahIpatiH || 1-32-77
somadattasya dAyAdaH sahadevo mahAyashaH |
sahadeva sutaH chApi somako nAma pArthivaH || 1-32-78
ajamIDhAt punar jAtaH kShINa vaMshe tu somakaH |
somakasya suto jantuH yasya putra-shataM babhau || 1-32-79
sutaH pa~nchajanasya api somadatto mahIpatiH || 1-32-77
somadattasya dAyAdaH sahadevo mahAyashaH |
sahadeva sutaH chApi somako nAma pArthivaH || 1-32-78
ajamIDhAt punar jAtaH kShINa vaMshe tu somakaH |
somakasya suto jantuH yasya putra-shataM babhau || 1-32-79
The line from sR^i~njaya is: sR^i~njaya --> pa~nchajana → somadatta → sahadeva → somaka, aka somadatta II; when the lineage of ajamIdha is dwindling, sahadeva’sfather somadatta took rebirth as the son of sahadeva, and sahadeva named him as somaka, instead of calling him with his father’s name, i.e. somadatta... and somaka’s son isjantu who later sublimated into a century of sons owing to a vedic ritual of somaka...
The episode of somaka and his Vedic ritual will be in vanaparva of mbh. Here ajamIDhAt = sahadevAt.
teShAM yavIyAn pR^iShataH drupadasya pitA prabhuH |
dhR^iShTadyumnaH tu drupadAt dhR^iShTaketuH cha tat sutaH || 1-32-80
ajamIDhAH smR^itA hi ete mahAtmAnaH tu somakAH |
putrANAm ajamIDhasya somakatvaM mahAtmanaH || 1-32-81
dhR^iShTadyumnaH tu drupadAt dhR^iShTaketuH cha tat sutaH || 1-32-80
ajamIDhAH smR^itA hi ete mahAtmAnaH tu somakAH |
putrANAm ajamIDhasya somakatvaM mahAtmanaH || 1-32-81
Of the hundred sons of somaka, the youngest one is pR^iShata who is drupada's father. drupada's son is dhR^iShTadyumna whose son is dhR^iShTaketu... all the dynasts of ajamIDha are termed as somakA-s...
mahiShI tu ajamIDhasya dhUminI putra-gR^iddhinI |
tR^itIyA tava pUrveShAM jananI pR^ithivIpate || 1-32-82
tR^itIyA tava pUrveShAM jananI pR^ithivIpate || 1-32-82
And the third queen of ajamIDha, O, king janamejaya, named lady dhUmini, a mother much yearned for sons, is the progenitor of all your forefathers...
sA tu putra arthinI devI vrata-charyA samanvitA |
tato varSha AyutaM taptvA tapaH parama-dushcharam || 1-32-83
hutvA agniM vidhivat sA tu pavitra-mita-bhojanA |
agni-hotra kusheShu eva suShvApa janamejaya |
dhUminyA sa tayA devyA tu ajamIDhaH sameyivAn || 1-32-84
tato varSha AyutaM taptvA tapaH parama-dushcharam || 1-32-83
hutvA agniM vidhivat sA tu pavitra-mita-bhojanA |
agni-hotra kusheShu eva suShvApa janamejaya |
dhUminyA sa tayA devyA tu ajamIDhaH sameyivAn || 1-32-84
That lady, ever observant of vows, practised hard austerities for ten thousand years to beget a son... oh, janamejaya, she used to regularly kindle holy fire, offer oblations into it duly practising dietary discipline... she even used to repose on kusha-grass-mats near at fire-worship... at certain time ajamIDha met her when she is in such a hallowed atmosphere...
R^ikShaM sa~njanayAmAsa dhUma-varNaM su-darshanam |
R^ikShAt saMvaraNo jaj~ne kuruH saMvaraNAt tathA |
yaH prayAgAt atikramya kurukShetraM chakAra ha || 1-32-85
tat vai tat sa mahAbhAgo varShANi subahUni atha |
tapyamAne tadA shakro yatra asya varado babhau || 1-32-86
puNyaM cha ramaNIyaM cha puNya kR^itbhiH niShevitam |
tasya anvavAyaH sumahAn tasya nAmnA stha kauravAH || 1-32-87
R^ikShAt saMvaraNo jaj~ne kuruH saMvaraNAt tathA |
yaH prayAgAt atikramya kurukShetraM chakAra ha || 1-32-85
tat vai tat sa mahAbhAgo varShANi subahUni atha |
tapyamAne tadA shakro yatra asya varado babhau || 1-32-86
puNyaM cha ramaNIyaM cha puNya kR^itbhiH niShevitam |
tasya anvavAyaH sumahAn tasya nAmnA stha kauravAH || 1-32-87
Whereupon that lady gave birth to beautiful son named R^ikSha whose complexion resembled the smoke of ritual fire... later R^ikSha begot samvaraN, and samvaraNabegot kuru... this king kuru forsook the city prayAga as his capital, undertook asceticism for many years, obtained boon from indra, and built the pious and pleasant citykurukShetra, a resort for pious people... his dynasty is vast, and you all received your appellation of kauravA-s from him alone...
kuroH cha putrAH chatvAraH sudhanvA sudhanuH tathA |
parIkShit cha mahAbAhuH pravaraH cha arim-ejayaH || 1-32-88
parIkShit cha mahAbAhuH pravaraH cha arim-ejayaH || 1-32-88
King kuru had four sons, namely, sudhanva, sudhanu, the mighty armed parIkShit and pravara at whose name his enemies used to tremble...
sudhanvanaH tu dAyAdaH suhotro matimAn tataH |
chyavanaH tasya putraH tu rAjA dharma-artha-kovidaH || 1-32-89
chyavanAt kR^ita-yaj~naH tu iShTvA yaj~naH sa dharmavit |
vishrutaM janayAmAsa putram indra samaM nR^ipaH || 1-32-90
chaidya uparicharaM vIraM vasuM nAma antarikSha-gam |
chyavanaH tasya putraH tu rAjA dharma-artha-kovidaH || 1-32-89
chyavanAt kR^ita-yaj~naH tu iShTvA yaj~naH sa dharmavit |
vishrutaM janayAmAsa putram indra samaM nR^ipaH || 1-32-90
chaidya uparicharaM vIraM vasuM nAma antarikSha-gam |
sudhanvana’s son is the intelligent suhotra. His son is chyavana who is well-read in the Vedas and other scriptures. chyavana's son is kR^ita-yaj~na. Celebrating many sacrifices that pious king kR^ita-yaj~na begat a son equal to indra in glory. He is vasu, the king of chedi-s, who could range in the sky and move about in the air.
chaidya-uparicharAt jaj~ne girikA sapta mAnavAn || 1-32-91
mahAratho magadha-rAT vishruto yaH bR^ihadrathaH |
pratyagrahaH kushaH chaiva yam Ahur maNi-vAhanam || 1-32-92
mArutaH cha yaduH chaiva matsyaH kAlI cha sattamaH |
mahAratho magadha-rAT vishruto yaH bR^ihadrathaH |
pratyagrahaH kushaH chaiva yam Ahur maNi-vAhanam || 1-32-92
mArutaH cha yaduH chaiva matsyaH kAlI cha sattamaH |
A celestial damsel named girika gave birth to seven human offspring of uparichara-vasu, the king of chedi... one of them is bR^ihadratha, who later became the king ofmagadha, and who is famous as a mighty chariot warrior; and the others are: pratyagraha, kusha aka maNi-vAhana, mAruta, yadu, sattama and to a lady named matsya-kAliaka matsya-gandhi, aka satyavati...
bR^ihadrathasya dAyAdaH kushAgro nAma vishrutaH || 1-32-93
kushAgrasya Atmajo vidvAn vR^iShabho nAma vIryavAn || 1-32-94
vR^iShabhasya tu dAyAdaH puShpavAn nAma dhArmikaH |
dAyAdaH tasya vikrAnto rAjA satyahitaH smR^itaH || 1-32-95
tasya putraH atha dharmAtmA nAmnA UrjaH tu jaj~nivAn |
Urjasya saMbhavaH putro yasya jaj~ne sa vIryavAn || 1-32-96
shakale dve sa vai jAto jarayA sandhitaH sa tu |
jarayA sandhito yasmAt jarAsandhaH tataH smR^itaH || 1-32 97
sarva kShatrasya jetA asau jarAsandho mahAbalaH |
kushAgrasya Atmajo vidvAn vR^iShabho nAma vIryavAn || 1-32-94
vR^iShabhasya tu dAyAdaH puShpavAn nAma dhArmikaH |
dAyAdaH tasya vikrAnto rAjA satyahitaH smR^itaH || 1-32-95
tasya putraH atha dharmAtmA nAmnA UrjaH tu jaj~nivAn |
Urjasya saMbhavaH putro yasya jaj~ne sa vIryavAn || 1-32-96
shakale dve sa vai jAto jarayA sandhitaH sa tu |
jarayA sandhito yasmAt jarAsandhaH tataH smR^itaH || 1-32 97
sarva kShatrasya jetA asau jarAsandho mahAbalaH |
The line of princes from bR^ihadratha is: bR^ihadratha → kushAgra → vR^iShabha → puShpavant → satyahita → Urja → saMbhava... this king sambhava begot a two-piece boy whom he discarded because of his ominous features... but when a demoness named jara adjoined those two pieces they became one boy, later renowned as the foremost conqueror of all kshatriya-s, namely jara-sandha, meaning that one who is joined by jara...
jarAsandhasya putro vai sahadevaH pratApavAn || 1-32-98
sahadeva AtmajaH shrImAn udAyuH sa mahAyashAH |
udAyuH janayAmAsa putraM paramadhArmikam || 1-32-99
shruta-dharma iti nAmAnaM maghavAn yaH avasat vibhuH |
sahadeva AtmajaH shrImAn udAyuH sa mahAyashAH |
udAyuH janayAmAsa putraM paramadhArmikam || 1-32-99
shruta-dharma iti nAmAnaM maghavAn yaH avasat vibhuH |
The line of princes from jarAsandha is: jarAsandha → sahadeva → udAyu → shruta-dharma who became the king of magadha province...
parIkShitaH tu dAyAdo dhArmiko janamejayaH || 1-32-100
janamejayasya dAyAdaH traya eva mahArathAH |
shrutasena ugrasenau cha bhImasenaH cha nAmataH || 1-32-101
ete sarve mahAbhAgA vikrAntA bala-shAlinaH |
janamejayasya dAyAdaH traya eva mahArathAH |
shrutasena ugrasenau cha bhImasenaH cha nAmataH || 1-32-101
ete sarve mahAbhAgA vikrAntA bala-shAlinaH |
King parIkShit begot janamejaya, who begot three mighty chariot warriors, namely shrutasena, ugrasena, and bhImasena... all these are highly prosperous, powerful and brave people...
janamejayasya putrau tu suratho matimAn tathA || 1-32-102
surathasya tu vikrAntaH putro jaj~ne vidUrathaH |
vidUrathasya dAyAda R^ikSha eva mahArathaH || 1-32-103
dvitIyaH sa babhau rAjA nAmnA tena eva saMj~nitaH |
surathasya tu vikrAntaH putro jaj~ne vidUrathaH |
vidUrathasya dAyAda R^ikSha eva mahArathaH || 1-32-103
dvitIyaH sa babhau rAjA nAmnA tena eva saMj~nitaH |
janamejaya’s sons are two, suratha and matimAn, and suratha’s son is the all-conquering vidUratha, whose son is R^ikSha... incidentally he is the second R^ikSha...
dvau R^ikShau tava vaMshe asmin dvau eva tu parIkShitau || 1-32-104
bhImasenAH trayo rAjan dvAveva janamejayau |
bhImasenAH trayo rAjan dvAveva janamejayau |
O king, there are two R^ikShA-s, two parIkShit-s, three bhIma-senA-s and two janamejayA-s in your dynasty...
R^ikShasya tu dvitIyasya bhImasenaH abhavat sutaH || 1-32-105
pratIpo bhImasenasya pratIpasya tu shantanuH |
devApiH bAhlikaH chaiva traya eva mahArathAH || 1-32-106
shantanoH prasavaH tu eSha yatra jAtaH asi pArthiva |
pratIpo bhImasenasya pratIpasya tu shantanuH |
devApiH bAhlikaH chaiva traya eva mahArathAH || 1-32-106
shantanoH prasavaH tu eSha yatra jAtaH asi pArthiva |
The son of R^ikSha II is bhIma-sena whose son is prtIpa. His sons are shantanu, devApi and bAhlika who were alt mighty chariot-warriors... and you are the dynast of king shantanu...
bAhlikasya tu rAjyaM vai saptavAhyaM nareshvara || 1-32-107
bAhlikasya sutaH chaiva somadatto mahAyashAH |
jaj~nire somadattAt tu bhUriH bhUri-shravAH shalaH || 1-32-108
upAdhyAyaH tu devAnAM devApiH abhavat muniH |
chyavanasya kR^itaH putra iShTaH cha AsIt mahAtmanaH || 1-32-109
bAhlikasya sutaH chaiva somadatto mahAyashAH |
jaj~nire somadattAt tu bhUriH bhUri-shravAH shalaH || 1-32-108
upAdhyAyaH tu devAnAM devApiH abhavat muniH |
chyavanasya kR^itaH putra iShTaH cha AsIt mahAtmanaH || 1-32-109
bAhlika’s kingdom is called as sapta-vAhya, or sapta-bAhya; his son is somadatta whose sons are three: bhUri, bhUri-shrava and shalaka; devApi became the teacher of gods by becming the fabricated dear son of chyavana...
shantanuH tu abhavat rAjA kauravANAM dhurandharaH |
shantanoH saMpravakShyAmi yatra jAto.asi pArthiva || 1-32-110
gA~NgaM devavrataM nAma putraM so.ajanayat prabhuH |
sa tu bhIShma iti khyAtaH pANDavAnAM pitAmahaH || 1-32-111
kAlI vichitravIryaM tu janayAmAsa bhArata |
shantanoH dayitaM putraM dharmAtmAnam akalmaSham || 1-32-112
shantanoH saMpravakShyAmi yatra jAto.asi pArthiva || 1-32-110
gA~NgaM devavrataM nAma putraM so.ajanayat prabhuH |
sa tu bhIShma iti khyAtaH pANDavAnAM pitAmahaH || 1-32-111
kAlI vichitravIryaM tu janayAmAsa bhArata |
shantanoH dayitaM putraM dharmAtmAnam akalmaSham || 1-32-112
shantanu became the foremost of the kuru kings. The family in which, O great king, you have been born is that of shantanu's dynasty. He begot a son named deva-vrata on lady ganga, who is celebrated by the name of bhIShma, the grand-father of the pANDavA-s... matsya-kali aka satyavati gave birth to vichitra-vIrya who is the most virtuous-souled and sinless son of king shantanu...
kR^iShNadvaipAyanaH chaiva kShetre vaichitravIryake |
dhR^itarAShTraM cha pANDuM cha viduraM cha api ajIjanat || 1-32-113
dhR^itarAShTraH cha gAndhAryAM putrAn utpAdayat shatam |
teShAM duryodhanaH shreShThaH sarveShAm eva sa prabhuH || 1-32-114
dhR^itarAShTraM cha pANDuM cha viduraM cha api ajIjanat || 1-32-113
dhR^itarAShTraH cha gAndhAryAM putrAn utpAdayat shatam |
teShAM duryodhanaH shreShThaH sarveShAm eva sa prabhuH || 1-32-114
Sage kR^iShNadvaipAyana caused the births of dhR^itarAShTra, pANDu and vidura from the wife of vichitravirya... dhR^itarAShTra begot a hundred sons on ladygAndhAri, of whom duryodhana is the foremost one and the lord of all...
pANDoH dhana~njayaH putraH saubhadraH tasya cha AtmajaH |
abhimanyuH parIkShit tu pitA tava janeshvara || 1-32-115
abhimanyuH parIkShit tu pitA tava janeshvara || 1-32-115
pANDu's son is arjuna whose son is abhimanyu, mothered by lady subhadra... oh, king janamejaya, your father parIkShit is abhimanyu's son...
eSha te pauravo vaMsho yatra jAto.asi pArthiva |
turvasoH tu pravakShyAmi druhyoH cha anoH yadoH tathA || 1-32-116
turvasoH tu pravakShyAmi druhyoH cha anoH yadoH tathA || 1-32-116
O king, such is the account of yayAti’s dynast puru-lineage in which you have been born. I shall presently describe the families of turvasu, drahyu, anu and that of yadulikewise...
sutastu turvasoH vahniH vahneH gobhAnuH AtmajaH |
gobhAnoH tu suto rAjA traisAnuH aparAjitaH || 1-32-117
karandhamaH tu traisAnoH maruttaH tasya cha AtmajaH |
anyaH tu AvIkShito rAjA maruttaH katithaH tava || 1-32-118
gobhAnoH tu suto rAjA traisAnuH aparAjitaH || 1-32-117
karandhamaH tu traisAnoH maruttaH tasya cha AtmajaH |
anyaH tu AvIkShito rAjA maruttaH katithaH tava || 1-32-118
From turvasu it is → gobhAnu → traisanu --> karandhama → marutta... I have mentioned elsewhere about another marutta who was the son of avIkShita... he is different...
anapatyaH abhavat rAjA yajvA vipula dakShiNaH |
duhitA saMmatA nAma tasya AsIt pR^ithivIpate || 1-32-119
dakShiNa-arthaM sma vai dattA saMvartAya mahAtmane |
duShyantaM pauravaM chApi lebhe putram akalmaSham || 1-32-120
duhitA saMmatA nAma tasya AsIt pR^ithivIpate || 1-32-119
dakShiNa-arthaM sma vai dattA saMvartAya mahAtmane |
duShyantaM pauravaM chApi lebhe putram akalmaSham || 1-32-120
This king marutta, the son of karandhama, is sonless... so he performed vedic rituals involving priceless gifts... he has a daughter called damsel saMmata; this king gave her as a donation in the vedic ritual to samvarta, the Time-god, and obtained king duShyanta of puru race in return as putrika-putra, daughter’s son as his own son...
saMvartAya R^itvije dattA sati; saMvartena cha duShyanta pitro sughorAya dattaa sati; tasmAt duShyantam putram lebhe...
The son of Turvasu was Vahni; his son was Gobánu; his son was Traiśámba; his son was Karandhama; his son was Marutta. Marutta had no children, and he therefore adopted Dushyanta, of the family of Puru;
evaM yayAteH shApena jara asaMkramaNe tadA |
pauravaM turvasoH vaMshaH pravivesha nR^ipottama || 1-32-121
pauravaM turvasoH vaMshaH pravivesha nR^ipottama || 1-32-121
In this way, oh best king, the dynasts of turvasu had to lean on puru dynasty owing to the malediction once denounced on his sons by king yayAti...
ata eva turvasoH vamshaH, pauravam vamsham pravivesha...
....the line of Turvasu merged into that of Puru;This took place in consequence of the malediction denounced on his son by yayAti...
duShyantasya tu dAyAdAH karutthAmaH prajeshvaraH |
karutthAmAt tathA AkrIDaH chatvArastasya cha AtmajAH || 1-32-122
pANDyaH cha keralaH chaiva kolaH cholaH cha pArthivaH
teShAM janapadAH sphItAH pANDyAshcholAH sa keralAH || 1-32-123
karutthAmAt tathA AkrIDaH chatvArastasya cha AtmajAH || 1-32-122
pANDyaH cha keralaH chaiva kolaH cholaH cha pArthivaH
teShAM janapadAH sphItAH pANDyAshcholAH sa keralAH || 1-32-123
duShyanta’s son is the king karutthAma whose son is AkrIDa who had four sons namely pANDya, kerala, kola, and chola, and the prosperous provinces of pANDya, kerala, kola, and chola took their names after those princess...
duShyantasya shakuntalAyAm bharataH; anyasyAm bhAryAyAm karutthAma cha aasiit iti arthaH...
druhyoH cha tanayo rAjan babhruH setuH cha pArthivaH |
a~NgAra setuH tat putro marutAM patiH uchyate || 1-32-124
yauvanAshvena samare kR^ichChreNa nihato balI |
yuddhaM sumahat asya AsIt mAsAn pari chatur-dasha || 1-32-125
a~NgArasya tu dAyAdo gAndhAro nAma bhArata |
khyAyate tasya nAmnA vai gAndhAra viShayo mahAn || 1-32-126
gAndhAra-desha-jAH chaiva turagA vAjinAM varAH |
a~NgAra setuH tat putro marutAM patiH uchyate || 1-32-124
yauvanAshvena samare kR^ichChreNa nihato balI |
yuddhaM sumahat asya AsIt mAsAn pari chatur-dasha || 1-32-125
a~NgArasya tu dAyAdo gAndhAro nAma bhArata |
khyAyate tasya nAmnA vai gAndhAra viShayo mahAn || 1-32-126
gAndhAra-desha-jAH chaiva turagA vAjinAM varAH |
O king, drahyu's sons are babhru and setu, while setu's son is angAra who is said to be the lord of marut-s... this angAra-setu is slain at the hand of the son of mAndhAta, the son of yavanAshva in a battle conducted for fourteen months... angAra-setu’s dynasts are the famous gAndhAra people and the gAndhAra province came to limelight because of him, and the horses bred in this gAndhAra are the best...
angAra's son is gAndhAra who established gAndhAra province. Prior to this angAra is said to be a nomadic in desert lands, maru bhUmi-s, training nomadic fighters on horseback - turaga Aroha kushalAH, with whom he attacked mAndhAta and failed.
anoH tu putro dharmaH abhUt dhR^itaH tasya AtmajaH abhavat || 1-32-127
dhR^itAt tu duduhaH jaj~ne prachetAH tasya cha AtmajaH |
prachetasaH suchetAH tu kIrtitaH hi anavaH mayA || 1-32-128
dhR^itAt tu duduhaH jaj~ne prachetAH tasya cha AtmajaH |
prachetasaH suchetAH tu kIrtitaH hi anavaH mayA || 1-32-128
Lineage of King anu is: anu → dharma → dhR^ita → duduha → pracheta → sucheta... thus, I have described the family of anu...
suchetasa has hundred sons; all the dynasts of anu have become non-confirmists of vedic canons - dharma virahitA-s; they became the lords of mlecCha provinces, and collectively called as mlecChA-s.
yadoH vaMshaM pravakShyAmi jyeShThasya uttama-tejasaH |
vistareNa AnupUrvyAt tu gadato me nishAmaya || 1-32-129
vistareNa AnupUrvyAt tu gadato me nishAmaya || 1-32-129
Now listen to me while I describe at length the most excellent and powerful family of yadu, the eldest son of yayAti...
iti shrImahAbhArate khileShu harivaMshe harivaMshaparvaNi puruvaMsha anukIrtane dvAtriMsho.adhyAyaH
Thus, this is the thirty-second chapter of first canto called harivamsha-parva, in harivamsha-purANa, the sequel of mahAbhArata, narrating puru dynasty.
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