Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Letter to Hon Minister of Health, India

Hon Minister Dr Harshvardhan,

Hope you're well.

I write to you with reference to the Ministry of Health circular appearing in news reports, making polio vaccination mandatory for all Indian travelers to Kenya with effect from 1st March 2014.

Since the announcement, there has been much confusion if this rule applies uniformly to :

1) Indian nationals as well (or only Kenyan nationals)
2) Indian nationals on short duration visits (business travel)
3) irrespective of Age of traveller (children and senior citizens)
4) irrespective of prior history of vaccination and
5) Duration of "cooling-off" between vaccination date and date of travel. Is a 1-month advance vaccination "preferred" or "mandatory"period. Can people travel say 7 days after vaccination.

Due to these confusions, people movement between India and Kenya has been greatly affected. I request if we can seek clarifications on the above 5 points through your good offices.

In addition to the clarifications sought, I would like to share that The vaccination rule, per se, has become a crippling constraint to run people-intensive Indian businesses like IT, where people mobilization is needed at short notice in a very dynamic business environment. We note from our experience that most other developed countries (with a 100% polio eradication record) do not have a similar rule, especially when nationals have already complied to a detailed vaccination program in young age, eventually contributing to the national goal of complete eradication of the disease.

I hope the relevant Ministry will be able to take cognizance of the concerns of the Indian businesses working in affected countries, in this regard.

I thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards
Prasun Chaturvedi
( twitter : @prasunchat)

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